
Level 5 Guardian
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Energy: 50
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Female Guardian
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Copper Steampunk Spats
Green Olive Wreath
Diaphanous Sylvan Filigree




17.5 m
16.71 m
8374.26 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 07, 2016
(8 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Guardian
EXP: 900 / 5545


Uh-oh, looks like this wide-eyed warrior wandered a little too far from her lair (Yako, #10228), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.
If this dragon is found anywhere on any forum that isn't Dragons Off To See The World please know they do not belong there! If you could please contact the owner to see a return we would all greatly appreciate it! Thank you!

|| Wanderer || Daughter of the Cytheran Protector ||
"I can still be a great warrior like you, Mom! Just wait and see!"

From the moment she could walk, much was expected from Myrrh. Much more than she could understand.

Vaida was a loving mother, certainly, but when her concerns were, first and foremost, for the entire clan. The two children she had sired were born to be trained in battle, in hopes of serving the Stormcatcher. Myrrh’s sister, Corrine, was a natural-- she completed their mother’s training exercises with ease and aplomb. Myrrh, by contrast, struggled greatly and became easily frustrated. Her mother was intensely patient with her, but this only served to frustrate the little guardian further; she felt as though her mother’s lack of reaction was a resignation to her own failure.

As Myrrh fell further and further behind, she began to skip training and hide away with the morose behemoth of a dragon who, she had been told, was her father. Though she disliked the way he languished in unknown sorrow all day, she felt connected to him. The more time she spent with Cormag, the more he began to tell her his own story-- his birthplace, his Charge, and even the sad tale of how he had come to wait for death in the lair of the Cythera.

Myrrh was deeply moved. She finally understood her parents, both, and wished again to train herself. After much deliberation, she decided she would not trouble her busy mother, and one night made known to her father her plans to travel the world until she was strong enough to protect anyone she wanted.

Cormag looked solemn and chose his next action carefully. “Wait,” he said, and disappeared into his personal treasure hoard. He returned with a finely wrought filigree necklace.

“Here,” he said, fastening it around Myrrh’s neck. “I wanted to give this to you when you were a little older, but it can’t be helped.

“Just remember to come back.”

Myrrh bowed her head in thanks. “I will.”


Her travels, eventually, brought her to the Focal Point, where she happened upon a magical forest that seemed strangely out of place so close to the towers of rock and crystal at the heart of the Starfall Isles. Curious, she wandered in, only to pause at the sight of the large guardian that had made the forest her home. Her scales had long ago been taken over by the wild life. Upon her back grew large, glowing mushrooms, and on her wings there were tree-like growths where sakura and wildwood owls had made their nests. She looked at Myrrh with intelligent eyes that reflected the magenta colour of the crystals that the forest had grown upon.

Her name was Riala, and she was the creator and the guardian of the forest.

Myrrh learned that Riala had found her Charge in the form of the wildlife and flora on her clan's territory. So taken was she by her duty to protect the nature that she was incapable of even entering the clan's lair. And so she had called on her magic and willed the forest into existence.

Myrrh spent a while in Riala's Forest, until she began to feel that she had overstayed her welcome. But before she departed, Riala had one gift to bestow upon her; a Green Olive Wreath made from the never wilting plants of her magical forest.


Myrrh ended up getting lost in a large, dense forest after leaving her last clan. She was wondering around aimlessly for hours, until finally, in her sight was a gate, she was rather curious at first then wondered up to it. It seemed like there was an over hang of the large tree place next to the gate, but when Myrrh looked closer, she realised it was a wing, a rather large dragon wing that was connected to the guardian of this nature clan, that blended in with the tree very well indeed, Leafrot, a male Skydancer. He allowed her to enter and brought her straight to Aislinn and Leuan, the 2 peace keepers and leaders of the clan, who allowed her to stay for as long as she wanted to.

She made friends with many of the other dragons and even saw many come and go as they wanted to serve under the gladekeeper. She learnt many fighting and hunting skills, which everyone thought would be rather handy for her to learn and even gotten up a few level's, just in case she was stuck with no other options. She did have some problems with another female dragon named Odalis, but she was told that Odalis was like that with every new person, so she didn't think much of it at the time.

A few days, maybe even a week, later, Myrrh decided that it was time to go and continue her travelling, as she said her farewells to everybody, Vidre, a male Guardian and the one that taught her many of her fighting skills gave her some Simple Darksteel Bracelets, which he thought looked quite nice on her. And with that she was on her way again, flying straight up and out of the forest so she didn't get lost again.


Myrrh, after leaving the dense forest of the Gladekeeper wandered into the bamboo plains of Windsinger, seeking a new home in the wind territory. It seemed to be something that was impossible, lairs rejecting her presence left and right from the higher platforms all the way down to the basic settlements; however one seemed to be particularly friendly. As she flew towards the clearing that lead to the decently sized clan, she caught sight of a very brightly colored dragon, one whom was approaching her from the ground. The Wildlcaw gestured for her to land, something she complied with swiftly and allowed herself to land before the brilliantly colored Wildclaw.

A bit after introductions revealed the rainbow Wildclaw was named Diver, and was inevitably the leader of the clan even though he was barely 5 months old— something that was found as strange since elders roamed the clan that had been there since the first leader. Even still, the Wildclaw offered her the tavern to stay, for other travelling dragons had situated themselves there and had created a sort of haven for resting dragons in the resting place.

During her stay in Fishspine reef, where she spent nearly a third of her short life, she became very close to a fae by the name of Marwood. The outrageous difference in size between the duo was comical- They certainly were a sight to be seen. When they were together, she didn't even think about the passing time. Myrrh thought maybe she finally found her charge.
That is, until Marwood moved on. He found himself another Guardian-He certainly has a type! The clan no longer felt like home without Marwood by her side. With her trusted sparkling stinger, a gift from Marwood of course, she left.

She traveled with a water bearer who was delivering water to a clan in Dragonhome. Contrasting against the parched grey earth, she saw some of the most flamboyant dragons of her life. Myrrh supposed that this colorful lair would be a nice place to rest before moving on. When Myrrh landed, she was greeted by a pink spotted snapper and fiercely pink and blue tundra. Together, the pair gave her the grand tour. They showed her the gardens along with the nifty irrigation system they've managed to rig up, the caverns, their impressive murals, and of course to all the other citizens. Between the excitable and chatty snapper and the ever forgetful tundra, she met everyone in the lair before sundown. This lair would be perfect for the time being, as long as she didn't need any solitude. These dragons don't know the definition of the word alone! Not a week went by without some sort of party or feast. One day, she even had her portrait painted.
By the time she was ready to move on, the spotted pink snapper assured her that she would always have a home here if she ever wanted to come back.

Art by Sweet Cucurbita

Feel free to add more to Myrrh's story. If you're done with Dragons Off to See the World, I'd really appreciate it if you could return her to me. Thank you!

Owners I've had
Yako, #10228
RoxySantana, #23143
shadow18, #226585
Kirsui, #139392
nielybh, #212705
RawrrLioness, #166715
FelixMcTrashy, #106471
Bluebells, #220421
SweetCucurbita #221386
Farsight #229085
EccentricElf23 #170131
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