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Personal Style


Bloody Head Bandage


Skin: Windsong Adept



20.3 m
21.98 m
6466.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 01, 2013
(10 years)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


The Story of the Red Rose
Umbrios was born different from the others of his clutch. His scales shone gray and sickly compared to his brothers and sisters. He was shunned because of it, and even his parents would look away in shame whenever other dragons mentioned Umbrios. His name meant the shadows, a ghost, a phantom in the memories. He passed through his young years of life in desolation, his heart turning as cold as his dull gems, sharply glinting in the sun as if mocking him.

Some years later, too many years to count, Umbrios met Masquei. She was everything he could never be. As soon as he saw her one morning, the sun glinting off of her jet black scales and illuminating her rich, ruby wings, Umbrios knew that what he felt was love. Since then, every morning afterward he would prowl out to the entrance of his lonely cave to catch a glimpse of her spiraling down and racing through the clouds. He never came from his cave, never called out to her once in fear of what she would do when she saw him-a wretched, ugly grey ghost of a dragon. He was afraid that once she saw his dull gems and faded sheen she would flee in terror, not noticing the gleam of love and sorrow in his eyes. Umbrios would have long died and wasted away if it were not for Masquei, his unknowing love.

One morning Masquei did not appear. It was raining that day, a cold, stinging drizzle that drew Umbrios into the recesses of his cave. Still, he peered expectantly outside, waiting for his beauty to come and dance in the sky. But she did not come.

Nor the next day.

Nor the day after that.

Umbrios still waited, and waited, day after day. It turned into months. Finally, blind with grief, he took wing to search for her. He went across all 11 elemental kingdoms, daring himself to go to the edges of the wilderness, farther than he had ever gone before. But Masque had gone. Umbrios could not accept the fact that she had passed away. He became lost for years in the Foxfire Bramble, stumbling through its dark woods, not knowing the way out. Exhausted, he fell into a deep slumber. There, Umbrios dreamed of Masquei. He was back in his old mountain cave. The morning light filtered through the clouds, and Umbrios sat at its entrance. She was as beautiful as ever, her lithe shape hurtling through the clouds, dancing for him. He stirred in his sleep, and gazed in awe at her dream-form. Suddenly, Masquei turned and landed just outside Umbrios' cave, her shimmering wings rustling gently in the wind. In terror, he slid back deeper into the darkness, not wanting her to see a monster. Masquei tilted her head, peering in the cave. In her light, ringing voice she called out into the darkness,"

Umbrios. Why have you been hiding from me?" She stepped further into the cave.

"Please, don't come any closer!" Umbrios cried out in his dream. He recoiled, wanting to disappear into the recesses of the cavern walls.

"Why, my love? Why do you hide from me? I have always seen you in this cave, watching me fly. I was dancing for you, Umbrios, and I will always dance for you." Umbrios' heart was suddenly struck full of love; his cold, lonely heart filled with warmth for the first time in years.

Slowly, he edged from the shadows,
"I was afraid of what you would see. I am only a monster. I did not think that...that such a beautiful dragon like you could ever love a monster, he said, head down. Masquei was beautiful, her wings and her silky body glimmering in the dawning light as if she were a goddess,

"Oh, Umbrios, on all my morning flights I would dance in the sky for you, always watching you," she said," But you never came out to me, and alas, I am no longer flying in the world of the living," Umbrios was struck still with horror.

"It was on that rainy morning that I lost my way in the storm and I caught a fever in the valley not far from here. I was too weak to fly and... then I was gone," Masquei murmured, tears streaking down her lovely ebony face. Before Umbrios could reply she arched her graceful neck and brushed his nose with hers. The touch was both warm and electrifying, and it sent shivers down the dragon's spine. Then, Masquei produced from the folds of her feathers a single, red rose, as red and luminous as her wings. This she handed gently to Umbrios. " When you hold this rose...Remember me. There is still more to life, things that you cannot see. Goodbye, my beloved Umbrios.

Umbrios screamed in grief," NO! Please, Masquei, what is there that I can do?"
But she had already faded away.
Umbrios awoke with a start. He lay there, staring up at a hole through the towering brambles at the night sky, for it was always night in the Shadowlands. He had lost the will to move, after he knew the truth of Masquei's disappearance. He would have lain there until he wasted away, a gray pebble washed away on the shore, if he had not heard a voice call out to him from the shadows. It was a dark, sly voice, and it immediately sent shivers through Umbrios' spine. He rose his head, as the voice, soothing and sweet yet cold and predatory, sung out to him from behind a jagged bramble patch.

"What is love, my dear Umbrios? You whose heart is shattered, water to ice and life to death?" The imperial got up to his feet, peering through the darkness. He couldn't tell where in the shadows the voice, female and silky, was coming from. The voice laughed, its voice ringing clear through the darkness, and in a split moment was behind him. Umbrios whirled, snarling.

"Who are you? Stop playing games with me; this is none of your business!"
The voice spoke again," And who's to say that it is not of my business, fool? All that goes within my realm are my business, and all that enter my realm are mine to play with." There was a sudden whirlwind of foul air, and Umbrios was knocked clear off his feet. He fell with a thud, heart pounding. He rose, dreading who stood before him.

It was the Shadowbinder.

Her eyes glowed like twin purple orbs, and black pools of liquid spilled out of her mouth, collecting around her like mist. She didn't seem to notice or care about the liquid, her jagged fangs showing as she smiled, though there was anything but warmth in the smile. Umbrios could all but crouch low against the presence of the goddess who now stood before him.

"I have seen your wanderings in my wood, like a little lost hatchling looking for its mother. I have always been watching you, Umbrios. You would go even into death for your beloved Masqeui, wouldn't you? I respect that in you, but you are stupid into thinking you can ever get her back by yourself." Shadowbinder paused for a moment, stabbing at him with her glowing eyes.

Umbrios steeled himself, and rose up to look the goddess in the eye. "I may be just another stupid dragon, my lady, but I do love Masqeui with all my being. Can you bring her back?"

The goddess laughed once again, her laughter shaking the very shadows around them. In the woods, voices of laughter echoed back, cold and cunning. It made Umbrios jump, looking about him. " Oh, you are a very stubborn dragon. But as you know," Shadowbinder edged her muzzle close the Umbrios' face, her sharp fangs glinting with malice,"My services always come at a price."

Umbrios dared himself not to stare at the sharp teeth that showed in front of his face, dangerously close. " I...I would do anything to see my love again. Anything!" His voice rose, full of sorrow.

"Anything, hm?" the diety mused, "Very well, then! It's a deal!" She laughed, shadows pooling around her.
"What? That's all? What must I-?" The Imperial began, eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"You shall see! Keke, you shall," Her face twisted as she laughed, and she shuffled to the side. Out from the murky gloom stepped Masquei, his beloved, in all her glory. She was like a blossomed rose, standing out in a bush of thorns and weeds.

"Now, do we have a deal, Umbrios?" The Shadowbinder said, voice sly. The image of Masquei did not break, but only stood, smiling gently at him. How much Umbrios wanted to reach out and touch her! Her nodded fervently,
"Yes, yes! Masquei!" The dragon started towards Masqeui, but got stopped by the Shadowbinder,

"Tsk, now, now, dear. We must make this a binding deal," A glob of black liquid suddenly collected in her mouth, which she brought close to the Imperial's face. Umbrios jerked his head back, alarmed,
"What-what are you-" He stammered, trying to catch another glance of his love behind the goddess.

"I'm sealing the deal, fool," The Shadowbinder hissed, and spat the vicious liquid into his eyes. He heard his own voice, screaming in pain, and then the smiling face of the dark diety before everything went black.
To be continued~

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