Owners I've Had:
- Ithaca, 37298 (Arcane)
- Unidra, 64884 (Wind)
- AngryJ, 177846 (Plague)
- HolrinnLair, 73569 (Nature)
- Shinyslakoth, 138529 (Nature)
- Selki, 178292 (Wind)
- Zikul, 12962 (Light)
- Myamoo425, 315042 (Arcane)
- Kiradog234, 263976 (Wind)
- Unidra, 64884 (Wind)(again!)
- Lewa, 327177 (Fire)
- royalscientist, 308987(Wind)
- Surreptitious, 389045 (Arcane)
- Crookedhalo1109, 184108 (Lightning)
- sylveondreams, 373670 (Shadow)
- Crookedhalo1109, 184108 (Lightning)(Again!)
- Morrowling, 30535 (Wind)
- Name, Lair # (Element)
- Eloise was always a polite and soft-spoken Pearlcatcher. She was sweet and respectful to others and very calm. She joined Vixen's Clan in hopes to one day be a Tundra, but as the days turned to weeks turned into months, she found herself re-thinking everything. Was this the right clan for her? Did she really want to be a tundra? Was this home? She'd heard about the "Dragons Off to See the World" option, as many travelers had stayed within Vixen's Clan and/or left to travel. So one day she finally decided to try it out. Maybe she'd travel to other lairs and lands and discover who she really was and what she really wanted out of life. And so her journey to find herself began...
- Eloise was thrilled to run into a familiar face at the Windstone Clan: Kalayla, who had set off from the same lair as herself. Kalayla told her stories of what had happened in the clan, and it scared Eloise, but luckily the Windstone Clan was warm and welcoming to her. The most she could complain about was the constant whir of fae and spiral wings. She stayed for a long time, but after Kalayla left she decided to continue traveling as well.
- After traveling north for an entire day, she eventually was forced to alight upon the western border of the Plague domain. This place was foreign and strange, with all the appalling gruesomeness of the Plaguebringer's land accompanied by the unnerving, warped landscape of the Arcanist. Along this eerie borderland, Eloise found a rather large clan composed of mostly faes and pearlcatchers, with wildclaws at its head. Reluctantly the matriarch allowed her to stay for a brief time due to her beauty and popularity among the lower ranks of the clan. Kardina, the clan's tailor, even wove her an intricate set of silk arm bands to match his own. She was grateful of the warm welcome she received from the faes and pearlcatchers of the clan, but the constant scrutinizing glare of the Alpha wildclaws on her back made her uneasy. She only stayed for a few weeks before heading on her way. She needed a break from all the disturbing pestilence.
- Soon, she found herself in the Gladekeeper's land. Just in time for their festival too! And what a clan she got to spend her time in. The Barrow Clan was far more laid back than the previous clan she was in and had all sorts of colorful characters. She ended up having a great time there and made plenty of friends. However, when a scavenging hunt got a little too excited about an egg find, Eloise found herself lost. Oh well time to continue her adventures, as you do... though she did wish she could've said a proper good-bye - a letter will have to do.
- Eventually, Eloise stumbled upon an interesting group of misfits deep in the forest. There, she found all sorts of dragons to keep her company, including runaways, orphans, and even ex-criminals. Everyone welcomed her with open arms, as fresh faces were few and far between. One dragon in particular, an imperial named Estuary, quickly befriended her. They became very close and eventually fell in love, and it wasn't long before they had a couple of hatchlings. After a long year, their children went their own ways. Estuary, inspired by his own feelings of love towards his children, decided that he wanted to find his own parents again. He requested that Eloise go with him, but she declined, knowing that it was time for them to part ways as well. And so, the small family went off into the world, hoping in their hearts that they would all one day reunite as wiser, happier dragons.
- After a long time away, Eloise finally made it back to Vixen's Clan. They were very happy to welcome her, though the clan had changed so very much since she had left. Many she knew were no longer there and there were several new faces. But still, plenty recognized her and were happy to see her. Kalayla had also returned and had chosen to stay permanently. Eloise was happy to see her family but she also wasn't ready to end her travels. After a brief visit, she left once more to see the world.
- Cheered by her visit, Eloise arrived at the Clan Lupa. Everyone at least made an effort to welcome her, and she quite appreciated it... but everyone was so weird and many downright alarming. She moved on quickly.
- Her stay in Daberath's Kingdom, only lasted for two days, and she didn't even get recorded in their database. Instead, she'd accompanied a small group of scouts to scavenge nearby, when disaster struck.
The group was separated, and she lost sight of the others - and as if that wasn't enough, she soon found herself encircled by a group of hostile Serthis, who took her to their leader, Ssappirassoral. There, she was imprisoned for an entire week, with nothing to eat but the moss off of the rocks, and nothing to drink but the water in the moss.
The Serthis never told her what they wanted with her, but they did perform some sort of ritual on her just before leaving - and ever since, she's never felt entirely alone. As if something, someone, is there in her mind, looking through her eyes, spying on her fellow dragonkind...
- Eloise's next stop was to a Wind clan located deep in the Windswept Plateau. It had been a while since she had visited the Wind territory and now she was more than ready to experience the calming bliss it provided.
She arrived soon enough, eager to find a traveller friendly clan to take he in. She came across The SpiralScale Clan by accident. She had spotted a corpse of odd trees, clustered around a huge pit in the ground. Eloise knew she would have to scope it out, see what lurked within its depths. As she landed at the edge of the dip, she looked down on a thriving clan of travellers and merchants. The buzz of trading and bustling dragons reached her ears as she stood, watching in quiet curiosity.
Eventually, this curiosity won her over and she started down the slopes, towards the clan. Almost immediately, she was carried away by the swirl of aromas and noises that greeted her, swamping the Pearlcatcher like old friends. She allowed herself to be pulled to and from by the crowd, observing each stall without comment until she emerged before a large cave system complete with a large, shy looking Imperial holding a long Scroll. He stood very proudly, obviously happy to have this job. What that job was, Eloise was about to find out.
She approached the Imperial and told him of her travels, adding depth to her tales as he brightened and nodding along happily. His name was Twilight and he explained that it was his job to guide travellers to their respective lodgings for the duration of their stay. He showed her down a long, winding corridor and into her rooms.
Days later, Eloise stood once again at the top of the dip, although this time, she was leaving. The Pearlcatcher spread her wings and lifted into the sky in one fluid motion, leaving the clan behind her once more.
- Eloise came across a clan she had visited before, the Windstone Clan. When she had last visited, it was just finding its feet after a war. Now it was thriving. The clan was smaller than before but as friendly and welcoming as she remembered. She stayed many days, catching up with old friends, before eventually traveling on.
- After flying over the Molten Scar, Eloise decided to rest. At the edge of the fire territory she found a lair bustling with life and work. She was welcomed into the clan and shown around. She was endlessly fascinated by the different inventions and creativity of the dragons residing there. Eloise discovered that many of these experiments are conducted to help with rare illnesses and injuries. She stayed for a long time because everyone had interesting stories to tell and she wanted to hear them all. Finally, she decided to move on and promised to visit her new friends again in the future.
- After many years away, Eloise decided she needed a taste of home. She missed the floating rocks and random explosions, no matter how chaotic they could be. Within a few days, she found herself back in the Starfall Isles.
Eloise flew straight to the crystalline reaches. Of all the places in the isles, these mighty peaks had always been her favorite. She simply loved how the pink peaks looked against the turquoise sea. Many a evenings had been spent on such peaks, gazing out at the brilliant sunset. Though Eloise had many memories of the peaks, she had forgotten one of the most important facts about them: the radioactive nature of the Chalcedony.
It began slowly; She felt weary and a tad dizzy upon arriving. Upon waking, her symptoms were worse. Still, Eloise told herself she was just tired from the journey. By evening, there was no other explanation than illness; She had to leave the peaks. As the sun set behind her, she flew off towards the forested coast.
Eloise awoke in a small room. In the corner, a small tundra was sorting through stacks of herbs. As she sat up, he whipped around. “Oh good! You’re awake.” “Where am I?” “Oh dear! Yes, you must be terribly confused. You’re in the Clan of Starless Nights. A scout of ours saw you faint over the ocean and brought you back. Don’t worry,” he laughed, “It happens more often than you’d believe. Many a travelers forget about the Chalcedony.” “And I-“ “Oh you’ll be clear to leave within a few days. In the meantime, here’s a cheerful residue to keep you company.” He smiled, “Anything else you need to know?” “Your name?” He blushed, “Oh dear me, I completely forgot about that. It’s Mathuin.”
Days passed and Eloise healed. She moved out of the healer’s den and into a guest house. Though she had a clean bill of health, she was still reluctant to leave. Days turned to weeks, which turned to months. Eloise watched dragons hatch, age, and leave to find clans of their own. She began to integrate into daily life of the clan. Then, one day, a large fae was flown into the healer’s den. A new traveler? Seems so. Eloise knew this was her time to leave. After a bittersweet goodbye, she flew off into the night, unsure of her next destination.
- After wandering aimlessly for days, Eloise found herself in the Shifting Expanse for the first time since she began traveling. It was rather sandy and dull, and it took hours before she found a clan. They resided in the Carrion Canyon, and they seemed to be in great disarray. Not a one of them seemed at ease, and even if they let her stay it was clear that they weren't entirely comfortable with it. There was a darkness over the place. It must have been her imagination that it smelled of blood.
She wasn't comfortable staying very long.
- Winds bore her to the lush ravines and calm rivers of Singer' Book. She found shelter with a clan living over a collection of caved high, high up in the cliffsides in the northwestern edge of the Windwept Pateau. Hatchlings learned quickly how to bounce between the opposing cliff faces their caves were set in, but Eloise enjoyed the slower pacing of the bridges the clan had constructed to allow access for everyone.
Life was peaceful and idyllic. She found herself studying closely with an older dragon, learning the rituals of magic and prayer. Her skill progressed slowly, with late night studies a must in her pursuit, and she often fell asleep over some runes she was practicing. One morning, however, she awoke to find her notes gone! Incredibly, the spell had crawled onto *her* and she had become adorned with a scattering of glowing runes all down her body. Magic came much easier to her after that.
Time progressed quickly and before she knew it, it had been several years. Yet, she felt content and at ease. With how often she had moved before, she wondered if she would feel the call to travel again. Her new life here suited her, so well, after all.
A wanderer's heart never changes, however, and one morning she arose and began to prepare for the journey ahead. The time had come, tho no change had borne its arrival. Eloise's bags were light, but filled to the brim with the memories and love she'd gathered from her time here as she set off to find inspiration and friends to make new memories with.
- ((Bio intro here)) ((Bio here))