
Level 12 Spiral
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Perching Java Sparrow
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Energy: 50
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Male Spiral
Male Spiral
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Personal Style


Talkative Hookbeak
Perching Scarlet Macaw
White Chicken
Friend Cockatiel
Glowing Purple Clawtips



Scene: Woodland Path


3.83 m
3.05 m
127.21 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 07, 2015
(9 years)


Spiral icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 12 Spiral
EXP: 36013 / 38956
Mist Slash


A floating noodle gif of Lethal.

Silver Pocketwatch

Black King
Lethal’s mother, Lacuna, decided early-on in her gestation that her children were going to follow in her footsteps and become assassins. After all, who would expect extremely energetic, easily distracted Spirals to be their downfall?

And so, practically as soon as the nest hatched, she put her plan into action; any and all games she devised for her hatchlings were geared towards sharpening the skill set they’d need as assassins.

Summanus, however, felt that something was wrong. The intensity with which Lacuna focused on their hatchlings was abnormal – downright alarming, even. They began to quarrel – in private, in public, even in front of their hatchlings.

Shortly before his children were to mature, Summanus left the Shadow waystation in which he and Lacuna had been staying together. He didn’t say goodbye.
And young Lethal, having observed his parents’ fights, came to realize he was instinctively dissatisfied with his mother’s manipulations. She was the one who thought fun was unnecessary. She was the one who discouraged exploration. She was the one who had saddled him with an intimidating name, to encourage him to be ruthless.

He ran away – and avoided serving the Shadowbinder. Lacuna, seeing her plans in ruins, convinced his siblings that exaltation to the Shadowbinder was a great honor.

But now that he’s free of his mother’s clutches… what should he do with himself?

Shadow Flight divider

A/N: Yeeeeeah, he's totally the opposite of his name. He's almost always the first to go down when I take him into the Coli. Clearly he's not a fighter!

Shadow Flight divider
Settled into Deoradhan-Kunibert, Lethal found himself spending much of his time outdoors. At first, he simply flew: loops and rings and arcs. It felt good to just move his body for the sheer joy of it.

And, over the course of weeks, he became aware of the other creatures that shared his skies - specifically the birds.

He found himself fascinated by their flight patterns, so different from his own. And, the more he watched them, the more he came to appreciate their brand of genius. They were intelligent fliers and beautiful singers.

The periods of calm between his bursts of energetic flying became devoted to observing the birds found in the Starfall Isles.
Blue-Throated Hummingbird

Oasis Songbird
Shadow Flight divider

When Mava came to Deoradhan-Kunibert, Lethal recognized her pain, somehow: here was another who had suffered the manipulations of others.

He began watching her the way he watched his beloved birds, and he didn't like what he saw. Life had left its scars deep on her heart.

Finally, he wormed her story out of her. And he'd been right: she'd been manipulated and distressed.

The least he could do was share his own story with her, the only comfort he could offer that demonstrated that he understood. Slowly, carefully, he led her out of the shadow of despair...

They had four sons together.

And somehow, they inherited their mother's wandering spirit. Their three eldest continuously pestered their mother for adventure stories; in fact, their second son almost immediately went to a friendly Wind clan. Only their youngest seemed content to stay at home.

When Mava reluctantly left Deoradhan-Kunibert - to keep their third son out of trouble - Lethal didn't know what to do with himself. He fell into a depression: even his beloved birds could not interest him.

Domagoj began to worry about his father: his birding questions fell on deaf ears. Begging his father to eat got little response.

Just watching Lethal, Domagoj began to lose weight.

One day, he disappeared from the clan - not that Lethal noticed - leaving a short note with Melantha: Gone for help.

Weeks later, he returned with Kokoro, leading her straight to his father.

Shadow Flight divider

Over the following slow, arduous months, Domagoj and Kokoro coaxed Lethal out of his depression.
Talkative Hookbeak One day, they received a surprise gift - something that significantly bolstered Lethal's spirits - a bird winged its way into the clan, the note attached to its leg a message from Mava!

Though they were no longer together, she still thought of him often, still appreciated him and hoped for his happiness.
The Talkative Hookbeak became Lethal's constant companion - next to Kokoro.

She had come to the clan specifically to ease his pain. She had encouraged him to continue his bird watching, but never dismissed his torpor when he couldn't enjoy it. She had gotten him to eat when even Haruna's best dishes tasted like ash.

They had a clutch together, hatched on a very special day.

Shadow Flight divider

(But their happiness did not last; Lethal's depression continued to haunt him. Kokoro, upset and searching for a more permanent cure, came across something much more dangerous and insidious... and her influence caused Lethal lasting harm.)
Shadow Flight divider

Special thanks to serebronaga for helping me shape Lethal’s hatchlinghood

Shadow Flight divider

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