Charged Sprockets - FREE RAFFLE
Manika's Clan
Everything is fine!!! *muffled sounds of explosions*
Clan Info
NOTE: probably gonna go an another hiatus soon :/
Hi! Thanks for visiting :D
This is an exalting lair if I sniped your dragon from the AH please feel free to message me and you can buy them back for the price you sold them or trade them with another dragon of the same level, thanks!
If any of my dragons make it to the front page, I'd really appreciate a screenshot thanks so much ^^
I also have a few breeding pairs and, if you want a dragon from them, I'll happily breed upon request :D
Note: I'm not actually a special ID hunter, but I adore dragons with 7's and 4's in their ID's in cool patterns.
* organize lair
* unlock hibden slots
* try out more coli builds! :D
*** currently need dragons to specialize in Workshop and Forbidden Portal
* hatch a dragon with a cool id
* name dragons w/ no name
***** Come up with more names starting with Rh,
***** currently have: Rhyme, Rhythm, Rhapsody, Rhetoric, Rheology,
******* Rhodochrosite, Rhenium, Rhodora, Rhododendron
***** considering: Rho, Rheophile, Rhine, Rhodium, Rhodes,
******* Rhombus, Rhinal Cortex, Rhodesia (for a Ridgeback), Rhea, Rhonda, Rhumba
* try to grab missed festival stuff ;w; boo 5 year hiatus omg
* complete current holiday familiar set
*** need future familiars
* collect halos!!!!
** have arcane, light, plague, need everything else
* sell aberration children
* make a large-ish donation to arcane hibden bank again asdfghjkl
* level 100 dragons to level 7 for hibden scrolls fund (73/100)
**** need for hibden: peacock gene scroll, ridgeback scroll, pearlcatcher scroll, underbelly gene scroll, spiral scroll, black lace tail ornament, venom rogue bracers, nature egg, brush dodo, sand creeper
* max out cauldron!
* complete zodiac familiar set
* complete ambassador familiar set
* complete arcane festival stuff
* complete holiday gem familiar set
* make a large-ish donation to arcane hibden bank :D
Current Badge for Display:
Gene Projects:
Currently working on:
* maybe toxin
* renaming scroll
Needs 1 Gene/scroll:
* Lir - veined
2+ scroll makeover
* cherry aberration couple - diamond, spade, maybe eels and peacock?
* gen 2 guardian - ridgeback, skink, eel, capsule
Current Sales Thread:
Hi! Thanks for visiting :D
This is an exalting lair if I sniped your dragon from the AH please feel free to message me and you can buy them back for the price you sold them or trade them with another dragon of the same level, thanks!
If any of my dragons make it to the front page, I'd really appreciate a screenshot thanks so much ^^
I also have a few breeding pairs and, if you want a dragon from them, I'll happily breed upon request :D
Note: I'm not actually a special ID hunter, but I adore dragons with 7's and 4's in their ID's in cool patterns.
* organize lair
* unlock hibden slots
* try out more coli builds! :D
*** currently need dragons to specialize in Workshop and Forbidden Portal
* hatch a dragon with a cool id
* name dragons w/ no name
***** Come up with more names starting with Rh,
***** currently have: Rhyme, Rhythm, Rhapsody, Rhetoric, Rheology,
******* Rhodochrosite, Rhenium, Rhodora, Rhododendron
***** considering: Rho, Rheophile, Rhine, Rhodium, Rhodes,
******* Rhombus, Rhinal Cortex, Rhodesia (for a Ridgeback), Rhea, Rhonda, Rhumba
* try to grab missed festival stuff ;w; boo 5 year hiatus omg
* complete current holiday familiar set
*** need future familiars
* collect halos!!!!
** have arcane, light, plague, need everything else
* sell aberration children
* make a large-ish donation to arcane hibden bank again asdfghjkl
* level 100 dragons to level 7 for hibden scrolls fund (73/100)
**** need for hibden: peacock gene scroll, ridgeback scroll, pearlcatcher scroll, underbelly gene scroll, spiral scroll, black lace tail ornament, venom rogue bracers, nature egg, brush dodo, sand creeper
* max out cauldron!
* complete zodiac familiar set
* complete ambassador familiar set
* complete arcane festival stuff
* complete holiday gem familiar set
* make a large-ish donation to arcane hibden bank :D
Current Badge for Display:
Gene Projects:
Currently working on:
* maybe toxin
* renaming scroll
Needs 1 Gene/scroll:
* Lir - veined
2+ scroll makeover
* cherry aberration couple - diamond, spade, maybe eels and peacock?
* gen 2 guardian - ridgeback, skink, eel, capsule
Current Sales Thread:
Recent Comments
DeadSpace was on the front page! Nice colors!
I see! Carry on o:
Do you need help? That’s a lot of explosions
No one has claimed DeadSpace. Are you still interested in them?
I put a reminder for me to give Deadspace to you if no one else adopts him in a few days in his bio but if i still forget, you’re more than welcome to shoot me a message! And i can def relate to having too many projects. I have 0 impulse control xD
Thanks for buying ShapedLikeAWin (AKA: Leo) Hope he serves you well.
hi there! just wanted to drop by & say thanks for taking good care of tempest – i just went through the offspring for one of my favorite pairs from way back when (hesper + iole), and she's the only one not exalted! if you ever don't want her, just lmk :)
Rhonda? It's a little old lady-esque lol
jus saying, Rhea? how bout that?
Oh it's no trouble I'm happy to help :D Just wouldn't want you to do something you might regret later :o
:D thank you so much!!
Hey, I am finally back after *ages* away! Can I have Artemis back please?
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