[FREE] Art for your dragon
Ilikememes0's Clan
Im trying to get stars for 1 dragon. Check my info pls
Clan Info
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I have difficulty sustaining these food types: I need help! Please send some! Any quanity accepted. (Help. Fyi I had 200 food points total and that only made the hunger go down by 15%. Sheesh)
https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/123931 this persons lore is a solid 10/10
Clan element:
1. Arcane (10 months)
2. Plaque (<1 year and some weeks)
3. (PLANNING to water)
Tips for cauldron:
Food = Goo
Materials = Ooze
Apparel = Slime
Familiars = Muck
Other = Sludge
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A goal I have is to get stars for my dragon Spectral. Please star it, it only takes two clicks ^^
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HOWWWW ABOUUUTTTT EMI (she’s in the Cozy Corner tab :)