Your lair is quite lovely! I love colorful lairs, but I particularly enjoy your choice of genes as well! Abelia, Luzifer, and Kismet have really succinct apparel choices that compliment them quite well, too! :-)
Hi! Tysm for the art of euros. You don't have to draw another picture if you don't want to! my instruction was more preference than an Absolute need hehe. you drew them real pretty!
Aw why thank you ^^) I know, I love her colors too, her & her husband both are so cool looking with all their blues, I got really lucky I found them & no one else had snatched them up yet XD :D
You're very welcome, too! :D
Hello! Just came to say I saw your dragon, Sunrise, on the front page! :D I like his colors, He is very pretty, and his name is also very fitting to his colorations! Also, I like how his Familiar is matching to it all, too! :D That is all, hope you have a terrific day ^^)
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Aether Male, 1 Aether Female
Feb 29
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Wildclaw Female, 1 Nocturne Female
Feb 29
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Undertide Male
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Jun 15
Fathomless Appreciation
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Boundless Potential (25)
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Festive Favors: Wavecrest Saturnalia
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You're very welcome, too! :D