Hi, I lost the original forum post and am embarrassed to admit I still suck at navigating the forms, specifically as someone working deep in the trenches of the tech industry. I still manage to loose my way around this site all the time.
My shortcomings aside, is Power perhaps still available for adoption? If shes no longer eligible for a adoption, is there something you're looking for I might be able to trade you for her? Id be happy to discuss a trade for any of my sale babies, or perhaps maybe something/someone in my hibernation den, even.
I've fallen in love with your Power girl<3
Please let me know what you think when you're able!
And you're lair is fantastic! I had a great time looking through and appreciating your awesome Clan!
Became friends with CanisAlbus
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Dec 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Auraboa Male, 2 Auraboa Female
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Jul 01
Festive Favors: Wavecrest Saturnalia
Jul 01
A Hard Day's Night (200)
Jul 01
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My shortcomings aside, is Power perhaps still available for adoption? If shes no longer eligible for a adoption, is there something you're looking for I might be able to trade you for her? Id be happy to discuss a trade for any of my sale babies, or perhaps maybe something/someone in my hibernation den, even.
I've fallen in love with your Power girl<3
Please let me know what you think when you're able!
And you're lair is fantastic! I had a great time looking through and appreciating your awesome Clan!
I have a dragon that I am currently trying to find apparel for and I don't know what will match, do you have an idea?