The Dragon of the Month is an unnamed! an ancient dragon who roams the deep sea- legends tell that she is not a dragon, nor related, but a construct of magma given life
Just popping in from the I'll give you ? for this dragon tread, to say all good and I completely get you and it's all good! I completely understand heh, I'm sorry if I ever offer on the same dragon, my brain is a bit forgetful at times :'))
Also feel free to delete this if it's a bother, just wanted to let you know it's all good! ^^ Also you have a stunning lair!
gargoyle palace still incoming i js need the money
ButterySpirit (#182464)
Petrichoris (#586562)
There is no right or wrong, only progress.
Gllitch (#587967)
toadbread (#588198)
Lithiams (#588897)
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Oct 25
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Oct 25
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Also feel free to delete this if it's a bother, just wanted to let you know it's all good! ^^ Also you have a stunning lair!