[Leaving] Selling most dragons (2 left)
StygianZinogre's Clan
Bombs over Gogmazios!
Clan Info
Welcome to The Defiled Sanctuary, a massive gorge carved into the earth that is nestled on the outskirts of the Wandering Contagion. Here dragons from all walks of life can live in (relative) peace if they are so willing, all that is asked of them in return is to keep the clan’s best interest at heart.
~ Lets hope Plaguemama doesn’t get upset that there are nature dragons living here too ~
~ Lets hope Plaguemama doesn’t get upset that there are nature dragons living here too ~
Recent Comments
Thanks for Amberlight!
Thank you so much!
blackmarsh was on the front page!
rimeblight was on the front page!
Don’t mention it! she deserves all of the headpats and compliments! And I feel you with the Scatterscrolling, luckily I didn’t succumb to that money pit yet. (I fall into enough of those already with G1’s.)
Felt. This hatchery idea I wanted to do has gone south. I only sold 1 dragon in 4 months. I might just give up unless someone is desperate for an affiliate boost. :/ Honestly though, I can't blame you. I want to try to make Malzeno, but can't decide on what Breed to use. I'm leaning more towards Skydancer, but the plumage feels off.
I love Astalos so much. If you want an Astalos I have several that haven't sold, I could give you one?
Zinogre is good Thunder Pupper. But Astalos is still close to my heart.
I love how many people on this site also love Monster Hunter!! It's so good :)
absolutely!! me and my bf are both bio nerds and we love how much wordlbuilding and ecology goes into the monsters themselves ... vaal hazak is probably one of my top faves (and im a plague lair. checks out)
Hello, fellow monster hunter fan! Your lair is gorgeous by the way. ♥
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