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iznek1234's Clan

Will Perform for Anime Merch
Venerable Lair
near the
Tourmaline Archives icon

Clan Info

Hi, my name is Kayla, and i'm in way too many fandoms.
I like video games, Anime, Writing stories, doing other artsy stuff, eating, and sleeping.

I'm always open to adding another friend, and if you need someone to talk to or just wanna chat, don't be afraid to hit me up!

Recent Comments

Litha's avatar
October 19, 2021 06:18:13
Xolxhis was on the front page! Beautiful dragon & apparel choices! :D
RavioliPaladin's avatar
January 23, 2020 13:16:44
Any gaolers are great! I have a nest hatching but I haven't played in a while so the eggs probably have really low stats TwT but hopefully they'll be cool looking! It is a nest between Gladion and Soleil if you're interested.
ShinyFurret's avatar
December 11, 2019 19:21:28
Thanks! :]
ShinyFurret's avatar
December 10, 2019 17:34:38
I appreciate the offer, but no thank you c:
I'm trying to find something kinda specific. ^^
ShinyFurret's avatar
December 08, 2019 00:44:29
Thank you! I'm working on getting Azeroth a suitable female Coatl to mate and make similar babies with :0
SallyJane's avatar
December 07, 2019 18:42:48
Ah thank you! I got her from my sister a while back.You have some really amazing dragons as well - I especially like Illya.
Cerviids' avatar
December 05, 2019 16:04:01
I'll definitely keep that in mind! Thank you so much for the offer! :)
Gouldiae's avatar
December 03, 2019 19:31:35
aw thank you so much! glad to see another pixpet player who is also on flight rising :D you also have many stunning dragons <3
Caroo's avatar
December 03, 2019 19:17:41
Thank you for complimenting Caesita! Just wanted to say all of your dragons are dressed so nicely :)
Ramanth's avatar
December 03, 2019 11:56:44
Thanks for the compliments! Your lair is so pretty but Melusine especially stood out. Such a pretty watery gal. ^_^
Celephine's avatar
December 03, 2019 07:21:14
Aw, thanks! Melisande is one of my favourite dragons in my lair! I'm glad you think she's beautiful! Your lair is so pleasing to look at too, I was trying to pick a dragon I liked the most but my eyes kept darting everywhere. I kept going back to Vincent.
Shinysuicune's avatar
October 30, 2019 21:06:34
Thank you very much!! I love your snapper dragon!! <3
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Date Joined
Oct 31, 2018

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FluffyNiffler (#285911)

Think like a proton, Always Positive
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Morlanou (#298985)
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ShivaxIfrit (#434709)
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Kk99577 (#436220)
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Verditer (#429235)

yert yort
Snivy88's avatar
Snivy88 (#199626)

You know you got that home~
Torchiiko's avatar
Torchiiko (#388518)
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TEaGoD (#436845)

Recent Activity

Feb 24
Became friends with Vanissh
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 20
Welcomed new hatchlings!
Feb 20
Welcomed new hatchlings!

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