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Chimirax's Clan

Achievement unlocked: How Did We Get Here?
Lesser Lair
near the
Blight Sanctum icon

Clan Info

-crazy for reptiles
-Horror freak
-old school
-Dedicated Germling
-MGS fan

Hello there. My name is Chimirax, or you can also call me "SnakeCell" (my main name). I grew up on games such as Resident Evil, Silent Hill, God of War, Castlevania, Metroid,Mortal Kombat,Uncharted,Doom and Pokemon. I usually vibe, just be lazy and stuff, etc.I'm also dedicated to our mama and savior, Plaguebringer (thinking of dedicating an arsenal).Hope y'all doing good, and be safe out there boys.

Oh and also..

Don't keep me waiting, huh
(this is not my image!! ^^))
(Workshop is still WIP! Sorry!)

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0wO's avatar
December 26, 2020 13:44:55
Zuko was on the front page! He's gorgeous-
Chimirax's avatar
August 21, 2020 21:50:01
Lmao, I suppose.
DrSheep's avatar
August 21, 2020 21:46:26
Yea! And I won't lie, I was being a bit of a wad myself but I was salty. Oh well, live and learn I suppose!
DrSheep's avatar
August 21, 2020 21:41:50
No issue! Its always disheartened to get backlash. I understand defending ones culture though, but that seems a bit overboard to me? Idk.
DrSheep's avatar
August 21, 2020 21:32:10
Hey just a heads up. Mentioning the wendigo in that thread will make the more PC members come for you. Read back and see what happened to me. Just a warning
SandBoa's avatar
August 20, 2020 04:43:43
Wow, I didn’t think I’d have such an influence on someone! I’m internally happy-dancing rn haha. And if you ever want help with an art shop, I can try to help! Coding isnt my strong suit, but maybe I can give a tip or two.
SandBoa's avatar
August 19, 2020 20:47:25
Hullo! You said it was an honor that I responded and I just hdgfhskfhs I’ve been on a hiatus from forums so I just assumed no one knew me lol
HuskyDragon1224's avatar
August 19, 2020 19:08:29
All your dragons are so pretty and amazing and handsome and ajghaduhvrhirb
Bloopp's avatar
August 19, 2020 17:46:58
Chomp looks perfect!! xDDD
Thank you so much, I'll link the img back to your profile
EccentricElf23's avatar
July 29, 2020 19:47:39
I put the skin on my derg Tam! Thanks :)
BrandonFlowers' avatar
July 26, 2020 23:35:34
I love Helraiser's gene project, she's gonna be even more stunning when you're done with it!
Diamondsnake's avatar
July 21, 2020 22:59:16
SNEK (Thank you!)
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Date Joined
Sep 27, 2018

Recent Forum Posts

Chimirax's Friends

EclipseOpal188's avatar
EclipseOpal188 (#421234)
StevonnieDrifts' avatar
StevonnieDrifts (#241511)

Barking is a form of arf!
maza's avatar
maza (#490046)

Drown's avatar
Drown (#67659)

i feel so alone, gonna end up a big ol' pile of them bones
Cinae's avatar
Cinae (#362085)

There's a fire in my soul.
BubblegumPyro's avatar
BubblegumPyro (#417040)

My lair has been taken over by God
Medrawt's avatar
Medrawt (#489870)
CorruptedSparrow's avatar
CorruptedSparrow (#405712)

Then the bird said "Nevermore”
PsychoticNeeds' avatar
PsychoticNeeds (#222242)

I can do basic code, for a price~
HunterPup13's avatar
HunterPup13 (#319726)

Recent Activity

Jul 09
Became friends with Z4Life123
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Mar 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Banescale Male, 2 Banescale Female
Feb 24
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Pearlcatcher Male, 2 Pearlcatcher Female

Recent Achievements

Jul 21
You Could Say I am a Regular (3)
Jul 21
Fashion Show, Fashion Show, Fashion Show at Lunch
Jul 21
Chaaaaange Places!
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