Marketplace Flash Sale Pinglist
blanco1co1t's Clan
I ate unicorn glitter
Clan Info
Ashley/Vanilla/Blanco✩ she/her
active hours: 22FR-12FR
which is: 08AM-10PM LT
not as active, life is getting in the way I accept random friend requests, lmk how you found me tho!^^
feel free to poke me! its so nice to see alerts/pms :D
I speak english | russian I live in Finland games I play - destiny 2 -warframe - elden ring -dark souls 3 -bloodborne -dead space 2/3 -final fantasy xiv* || name me your main! :D -portal 2 art sales(?) -might do someday timezone FR +10 |
low on food? I always have several stacks of any type, and selling it for 20-30t/point :) -20t/p for food that isnt used anywhere -25t/p for used in baldwin/swipp -30t/p for hibden |
challenge: -100k of each food type (25k/100k) 1.5k away from max apparel slots -50+ fandragons |
people i convinced into fr: -JHjej -RRTL -furiousloli |
places to reach me: Im not often online on FR after 6 FRT, so here's my discord: -blanco1co1t#7766 -my ffxiv name is vanilla sykes and Im on raiden, astro main |
feathers, pretty bows (please help me), rare color combo dragons (<10 on the site)
please let me know if any of these notices are not welcomed on fr! i will make sure to alter it to be more suitable for fr!lore notices:
-tough conditions
-not welcoming newcomers
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Oh oof on that though. Every P4S prog is Pinax prog even if you're past it
Alas no! I am on Materia, Australian here.