Revert the fathom secondary change

applechime's Clan
a cheerful chime :)
Clan Info
1. i'm Sentimental and almost never exalt (except rly unfortunate looking kids that i personally hatched). this is not an exalting lair!!
2. dragons in the Naptime tab of my den are usually fair game that i have kept because of the aforementioned sentimentality, so if you want to borrow or buy one of them for any reason just like. hmu lol
3. if you're here because you're wondering "who's this bonch and why'd they give me a bunch of familiars completely unprompted": SORRY..... I HOPE IT WASN'T WEIRD....... i have lots of familiars and i like to give them away if i see someone who's trying to complete their bestiary.... i'm not looking for anything in return, i am just hoping to Spark Joy
4. i am here to have a good time, dress up dragons, and have a good time trying to make other people look at my dressed up dragons. thank u for your indulgence. hello
Ember Baby:
[×] oilslick/oilslick/grapefruit fire element kid
[_] Snapper scroll
[_] Metallic scroll
[_] Alloy scroll
[_] Runes scroll
[×] Scroll of Eternal Youth (thank u.... u know who u are......)
[×] Vial of Naivety (;w; thank u........)
[_] grapefruit/grapefruit/cyan kid (bright eyes)
[_] Bogsneak scroll
[_] Metallic scroll
[_] Alloy scroll
[_] Circuit scroll
[_] Scroll of Eternal Youth
l o l
1. i'm Sentimental and almost never exalt (except rly unfortunate looking kids that i personally hatched). this is not an exalting lair!!
2. dragons in the Naptime tab of my den are usually fair game that i have kept because of the aforementioned sentimentality, so if you want to borrow or buy one of them for any reason just like. hmu lol
3. if you're here because you're wondering "who's this bonch and why'd they give me a bunch of familiars completely unprompted": SORRY..... I HOPE IT WASN'T WEIRD....... i have lots of familiars and i like to give them away if i see someone who's trying to complete their bestiary.... i'm not looking for anything in return, i am just hoping to Spark Joy
4. i am here to have a good time, dress up dragons, and have a good time trying to make other people look at my dressed up dragons. thank u for your indulgence. hello
(very passively attended to)
(very passively attended to)
Ember Baby:

[_] Snapper scroll
[_] Metallic scroll
[_] Alloy scroll
[_] Runes scroll
[×] Scroll of Eternal Youth (thank u.... u know who u are......)
[×] Vial of Naivety (;w; thank u........)
3190 G

[_] Bogsneak scroll
[_] Metallic scroll
[_] Alloy scroll
[_] Circuit scroll
[_] Scroll of Eternal Youth
like... a lot lol G
l o l
Recent Comments

your dragon (81155742) has a 2-years-older, completely unrelated doppelganger (59449251) lol. two out of the only 8 thicket/mint/pink dragons on the site too!

hi, randomly stumbled into your lair and just wanted to say i love your dragons! it's hard to pick any single favourite thing LMAO but golly i love the way your tabs are divided and really enjoyed looking at your dragons' bios. tuireann's outfit is lovely and that scry in achlys' bio looks incredible!!

Edith was on the Random Dragon!

Glynis was on the Random Dragon!

Glynis made the front page! Turns out I already liked her

nova was on the front page!

Nova was on the front page! Such a beautiful dragon ♥

You have a very beautiful lair!

Mallow (#85642044) was on the front page, so so stunning!

Mallow was on the front page.

achievement get

Sadiradra was on the front page, she looks lovely!
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