Thank you for purchasing my three Umber/Chocolate Obelisks! Excited to see what you’ll do with them. I also wanted to say that your lair is such eye candy to look at <3!!
Aa shoot you got to her before I did lol
Did you have specific plans for that antique/spruce/cantelope imp? I'd be willing to buy her for double
Totally okay if you're not willing to sell, just thought I'd check <3
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
StephanWeaver (#352934)
Each dragon has a story. . . If you take the time to listen.
Pride (#346412)
*super mario bros theme starts playing in the distance*
starmode (#198612)
Recent Activity
Oct 10
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Coatl Male, 2 Coatl Female
Oct 09
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Coatl Female
Oct 09
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Coatl Female
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Oct 10
Special Eyes (Primal)
Sep 22
Legal Tend-ARRR
Sep 22
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Did you have specific plans for that antique/spruce/cantelope imp? I'd be willing to buy her for double
Totally okay if you're not willing to sell, just thought I'd check <3
Feed her for me<3