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FoxyCipher's Clan

You're not who you were when you did that. Remember this.
Mighty Lair
carved into the
Reedcleft Ascent icon

Clan Info

Clan of the Tradewinds
Two hours ahead of FR time


"Go, then. There are always other worlds to explore out there."

The Tradewinds Clan is a small but notoriously tight-knit community of dragons sequestered away in the bamboo forests of the Windswept Plateau. While the clan is well known as a friendly checkpoint for weary travelers, what may not be common knowledge are the strict stipulations set for would-be permanent residents. Rumor has it that all potential clan members must dive into the eye of the Twisting Crescendo and find their way out by riding the winds, but as of now these tales are unfounded. However, it should be noted that the clan courier Zephyr is a master of navigating the intense windstorm, and that Aeria - the clan's founder - is said to be one of the very few dragons who have successfully escaped from the eye of the Crescendo unscathed.

Should a dragon successfully complete this trial, they will be welcomed into the clan with open arms, free to explore the clan's territory and make both a name and a home for themselves alongside the current members. Certain permanent members are a bit more... esoteric in nature, but these exceptions keep mostly to themselves and are content to cause trouble elsewhere, much to the clan's collective relief.

As is to be expected, though, some clan members inevitably wish to leave. Whether it be the innate wanderlust that all Wind dragons share, or some other reason, all dragons that wish to depart from the Tradewinds Clan are able to do so on their own terms. These wandering members are no less welcome, however, and are more than welcome to return should they find their way back someday.



Χαῖρε! My name is Katie, and while I'm a college student pursuing an English degree, my true passions are the arts and Greek mythology. I do mostly traditional art, play clarinet, and write lots of poetry. (I also sang in choir years ago, and while I no longer do, I still enjoy singing!)

Aside from my academic pursuits, I love writing, knitting, and playing D&D whenever I can get a group together. I'm also a complete and total nerd, and love collecting random bits of semi-useful trivia or knowledge. I've been in many fandoms over the years, but I'm choosing not to list them here; partly because there are a lot and I could never hope to remember them all, and partly because I don't want my personality and online presence to be solely defined by what fandoms I'm a part of.


I do not accept random friend requests, sorry!




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Date Joined
Nov 16, 2016

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drearie's avatar
drearie (#370997)

dont tread on me
Amariel's avatar
Amariel (#86020)

Cloudstrider Carnival :: Currently in the Cloudsong
Elidibus' avatar
Elidibus (#371048)

A ritual in the garden soil
Sinnabelle's avatar
Sinnabelle (#146347)

Making skins to buy skins to buy dragons for-
Embyrs' avatar
Embyrs (#23753)

Let it Burn
Dessy's avatar
Dessy (#17691)
Oranitha's avatar
Oranitha (#160660)

im trying but none of these mouths work they just gurgle

Recent Activity

Jul 10
Became friends with Oranitha
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Apr 29
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Male, 1 Ridgeback Female
Feb 08
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Female, 1 Mirror Female

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