Twin hatchlings
Erodios' Clan
Clan Info
This isn't lore. Accidentally deleted that! It's just random notes to self at this point.
Pretty Pink Mums - Water, Ice, Arcane, Fire
Food = goo
Materials = ooze
Other = sludge
Apparel = slime
Familiar = muck
To Make A Small Dragon:
First, go to the dragon's page and get their code. It looks similar to this:
[url =http :// main.php?dragon= 123456]
[img] /rendern/ 350/1235/ 123456_350.png[/img]
Find the first 350 and replace it with "avatars". Then, find the _350 and delete it. Remember to remove the spaces. Your code should look similar to this:
[url=https: //][img]https: //[/img][/url]
Dragon #123456, btw
He has no active/unexalted children. I checked.
Earthshaker: As I listen in the dark, something stirs in the stone.
#1, stone/slate/brown, m
Flamecaller: I struggle to keep the heart of Sornieth from overflowing.
#2, fire/maroon/red, f
Windsinger: There’s an exciting journey to be had!
#3, seafoam/spring/aqua, m
Tidelord: ...
#4, blue/aqua/caribbean, m
Shadowbinder: My, you seem to have a little problem within your realm...
#5, shadow/black/violet, f
Icewarden: If you could only see the horrors I’ve held locked away...
#6, ice/sky/white, m
Stormcatcher: We will claim this untapped energy and grow in power.
#7, obsidian/aqua/teal, m
Lightweaver: I see the truth. Though it wounds my heart.
#8, sunshine/banana/gold, f
Gladekeeper: My druid is sickened. What was done to her?
#9, jungle/forest/green, f
Plaguebringer: The scar upon our land will be remembered.
#10, blood/maroon/red, f
Arcanist: My scholars must pursue the magic.
#11, pink/mulberry/white, m
Pretty Pink Mums - Water, Ice, Arcane, Fire
Food = goo
Materials = ooze
Other = sludge
Apparel = slime
Familiar = muck
To Make A Small Dragon:
First, go to the dragon's page and get their code. It looks similar to this:
[url =http :// main.php?dragon= 123456]
[img] /rendern/ 350/1235/ 123456_350.png[/img]
Find the first 350 and replace it with "avatars". Then, find the _350 and delete it. Remember to remove the spaces. Your code should look similar to this:
[url=https: //][img]https: //[/img][/url]
Dragon #123456, btw
He has no active/unexalted children. I checked.
Earthshaker: As I listen in the dark, something stirs in the stone.
#1, stone/slate/brown, m
Flamecaller: I struggle to keep the heart of Sornieth from overflowing.
#2, fire/maroon/red, f
Windsinger: There’s an exciting journey to be had!
#3, seafoam/spring/aqua, m
Tidelord: ...
#4, blue/aqua/caribbean, m
Shadowbinder: My, you seem to have a little problem within your realm...
#5, shadow/black/violet, f
Icewarden: If you could only see the horrors I’ve held locked away...
#6, ice/sky/white, m
Stormcatcher: We will claim this untapped energy and grow in power.
#7, obsidian/aqua/teal, m
Lightweaver: I see the truth. Though it wounds my heart.
#8, sunshine/banana/gold, f
Gladekeeper: My druid is sickened. What was done to her?
#9, jungle/forest/green, f
Plaguebringer: The scar upon our land will be remembered.
#10, blood/maroon/red, f
Arcanist: My scholars must pursue the magic.
#11, pink/mulberry/white, m
Recent Comments
Laurel was on the front page, he's beautiful!!
Laurel was on the front page! Love the white range prim and secondary with a colored Kumo and Cloudmarked Cirrus accent, it works so well
Laurel (#68779200) was on the front page! :3
Pth was on the front page! Love your lore! :D
Path was on the front page!
Basil was on the front page today!
ForestHeart was on the front page!
Oh, thank you!! There was a couple of your dragons I was looking at but I dont have enough treasure. Im going to get more asap :)
You got it 100% right, Ande is literally based on the candy!
love the new genes you put on Grimvildr and her new bio haha!<3 (--the old owner)
Thank you so much for giving Miskatonic a home! Her new genes look absolutely fabulous! <3
Thanks for buying Akian. I hope he serves you well! ^^
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