Ice Nests for Rent! [ now open! ]

cloyster's Clan
Clan Info

The Glacial Governors
The coldest of the cold live among each other in the Glacial Governors. Why? Because they are pure ice, born to worship the Icewarden. They are monotone and mean, never to show their actual feelings. There are rumours that they do not have any true feelings at all.
They are respectable warriors of the cold. They use the ice and snow to their advantage on their homeland, forcing enemies to slip and others to be buried miles below the snowy surface.
The place they live is the Frigid Floes, a place just about as cold as the clan themselves. The young learn the ways of monotone at an early age, losing their bubbly kid-like stature quite quickly.
When the Crystalline Gala surfaces, it is a time for icy celebration, as a large ice sculpture competition is held as well as a skating tournament.
Next Expansion: 65000t
Skins by breed:
Coatl: Frost Thruster, Frozen Figure, Colored Ice, Winterborn,
Imperial: King of Sylvan Forest, Warden's Coat, Frosted Glasswing,
Nocturne: Winter Draft,
Pearlcatcher: Frozen Together,
Mirror: Pearlescent
Guardian: Wraith, Icewraith, Frosted Weathering,
Ridgeback: Snowdragon Sculpture, Frozen Flight,
Tundra: Ancient Heritage, Cold Shoulder, Runic Roamer, Freezer, Frosted, Snowy Mane,
Fae: Crystal Devil, Cold Morning,
Spiral: Animated Icicle, Icecore,
Skydancer: Aurora Machinery,
Wildclaw: Frozen Guilts, Hibernal Wanderer, Glacial Warden,
Bogsneak: Bogsicle,
Snapper: Fortress Guardian,
Bogsneak: Frozen Find, Winter Blanket, Winterwatch,
Fae: Winterberry Queen, Frozen Odf, Snowsquall Souvenir,
Spiral: Ice Princess,
Coatl: Snowsquall, Frozen Berries,
Guardian: Cloudscrape Hunter, Sleet Footed, Freezing Breath, Ice Golem,
Pearlcatcher: Frostbitten Fugitive, Thawed Memories, Winter Camouflage,
Nocturne: Igloo, Frigid Flight, Icy Impression,
Skydancer: Permafrost, Crystal Rainbow,
Imperial: Frigid Gale, Frozen Aurora, Gentle Giant,
Mirror: Sweater Weather, Icicle,
Ridgeback: Frigid Abyss, Icefield,
Snapper: Comfort in Cold, Coldsnap, Glacial,
Wildclaw: Sculpted,
Tundra: Frigid Fluffle, Spirit of Winter Forest, Icy Coat, Black Ice,
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whoa Glacia is hella pretty
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