

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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((Awww pooor Cranekit!! :(
Glad you're back Lynx! *sighs* I feel the same for Larkheart right now))

Nightclaw blinked, breath caught in his throat for the barest instant. Why did her eyes have to be so...? He blinked again, nudging his brain back onto the right track. Thankfully, a commotion at the nursery caught his eye... something involving Beestar? That was a bit forbidding, but hey a distraction is a distraction.

"Whoah, what's going on?" he asked, pointing over at the nursery with his tail. He strained his ears, but only got snippets of the conversation. Weird. Unthinking, he got to his paws and started padding over--he only got about five steps before he remembered his sliced paw. Ugh, stupid fish. He lashed his tail in vexation. All he could do was sit there and watch helplessly, and he really didn't like it.
Flamekit smirked down at Waspkit. Ah, it was good to have someone around with a mischievous heart after his own. But his question brought up a dilemma. They couldn't leave Cranekit out here. She'd be easy prey for something nasty without Flamekit there to fight. But sooner or later she'd start running her mouth again... Hmmm.

"Well, she's kinda harmless right now," Flamekit whispered, shooting a surreptitious glance back at the pale Scottish fold. Or, well, he thought it was surreptitious, but... he'd never been the subtle type. "We should have a plan though. I'm thinking..." he glanced upward, a grin spreading over his features. "What if we got her stuck in a tree?" He looked back at Waspkit. "I bet if I climb up, do a little goading, she'd follow... and maybe she just wouldn't be able to get back down?" He thought a little more. "Or if she doesn't follow we can just hang out in the trees?" He looked back at Cranekit again before asking "You got any other ideas?"
Silverwing took a deep breath, then forced himself into perfect warrior mode. "Frostfire, I have good intel that Dawnclan is going to send a patrol here later." He hesitated, mind churning until he couldn't take it anymore. "And I slipped up when I was talking to them" he blurted. "They might suspect something is wrong here... that something might interfere with the wary peace we have." He lowered his head, ears drooping. "I-I'm sorry. But thankfully, Doveflight has a plan to keep things... alright despite... Stagthorn."

Yeah, that was about as painful as he expected. Fair enough. But now was no time to mope. They had to mobilize, to fix his mistake. For the sake of the clan.

He nodded to the medicine cat, a bit of his usual resolve back in his gaze.
((Awww pooor Cranekit!! :(
Glad you're back Lynx! *sighs* I feel the same for Larkheart right now))

Nightclaw blinked, breath caught in his throat for the barest instant. Why did her eyes have to be so...? He blinked again, nudging his brain back onto the right track. Thankfully, a commotion at the nursery caught his eye... something involving Beestar? That was a bit forbidding, but hey a distraction is a distraction.

"Whoah, what's going on?" he asked, pointing over at the nursery with his tail. He strained his ears, but only got snippets of the conversation. Weird. Unthinking, he got to his paws and started padding over--he only got about five steps before he remembered his sliced paw. Ugh, stupid fish. He lashed his tail in vexation. All he could do was sit there and watch helplessly, and he really didn't like it.
Flamekit smirked down at Waspkit. Ah, it was good to have someone around with a mischievous heart after his own. But his question brought up a dilemma. They couldn't leave Cranekit out here. She'd be easy prey for something nasty without Flamekit there to fight. But sooner or later she'd start running her mouth again... Hmmm.

"Well, she's kinda harmless right now," Flamekit whispered, shooting a surreptitious glance back at the pale Scottish fold. Or, well, he thought it was surreptitious, but... he'd never been the subtle type. "We should have a plan though. I'm thinking..." he glanced upward, a grin spreading over his features. "What if we got her stuck in a tree?" He looked back at Waspkit. "I bet if I climb up, do a little goading, she'd follow... and maybe she just wouldn't be able to get back down?" He thought a little more. "Or if she doesn't follow we can just hang out in the trees?" He looked back at Cranekit again before asking "You got any other ideas?"
Silverwing took a deep breath, then forced himself into perfect warrior mode. "Frostfire, I have good intel that Dawnclan is going to send a patrol here later." He hesitated, mind churning until he couldn't take it anymore. "And I slipped up when I was talking to them" he blurted. "They might suspect something is wrong here... that something might interfere with the wary peace we have." He lowered his head, ears drooping. "I-I'm sorry. But thankfully, Doveflight has a plan to keep things... alright despite... Stagthorn."

Yeah, that was about as painful as he expected. Fair enough. But now was no time to mope. They had to mobilize, to fix his mistake. For the sake of the clan.

He nodded to the medicine cat, a bit of his usual resolve back in his gaze.
(lol, sassy little Kestrelkit XD
And I know right?? I don't really know Cranekit's backstory or even if she has one but I'm pretty sure she's not Flamekit's sister- pretty sure. ;D lol. I think that's just how I'll play her for now and Clique can change things when they get back. :)
Depends, who's asking? LYYYYNX. HAMILTON BRO. *huggles*)

"I don't know," she meowed, her brow furrowing slightly, before she shot Nightclaw a surprised look as he started padding towards the nursery.
"Nightclaw, I don't think you should-"
She broke off when he halted, and she padded up beside him, glancing at him sideways to read his expression.
His thin black tail whipped angrily in frustration, and she mewed quietly, "Hey, it's not a deep cut- I'm sure after a day or so off it you'll be back on your paws."
She gave him a small, reassuring smile, before she padded over to Larkheart and licked his cheek in greeting.
"Hello," she purred. "Nice catch. I went fishing while you and Lightheart were out," she added conversationally, purposefully leaving out Nightclaw's name- no need to aggravate him more than necessary.


Waspkit grinned, striped tail sticking straight up. "Yeah! That'll work."
His bright blue eyes glowed with gladness at Flamekit, reflecting his appreciation for the other kit's presence.
"I think it would be better if you did it," the younger kit decided. "She's more annoyed at you. Plus, she thinks she's has to take care of me." He rolled his eyes.

Cranekit watched suspiciously as the toms whispered and snickered to each other. They were so plotting something. Sighing, exasperated beyond measure but unless she were to abandon both of them- which was not an option- there was nothing she could do about it. Flamekit possessed a natural ability to annoy her. She withheld judgement on Waspkit.
For now.
Both of them were just simply immature. Flamekit more so. And she had to deal with it because she was the only one intelligent enough to keep them from killing themselves.
Waddling after them, the Scottish Fold began devising methods of how to trick or bribe them back to camp. Flamekit was the one to convince; his little follower wouldn't be running around out here without him.


Lightheart glanced around, searching for someone to talk to, and her virident eyes landed on Hollynose.
Grinning, she bounced over to the dark she-cat and licked her ear. "Hey Hollynose! Oh, hi Applefur," she purred, rubbing her head on his shoulder, then pulling back and examining their expressions. "Um, why do you guys look so grim?"
As she spoke, she whipped her tail around to tickle Kestrelkit gently under his chin.
(lol, sassy little Kestrelkit XD
And I know right?? I don't really know Cranekit's backstory or even if she has one but I'm pretty sure she's not Flamekit's sister- pretty sure. ;D lol. I think that's just how I'll play her for now and Clique can change things when they get back. :)
Depends, who's asking? LYYYYNX. HAMILTON BRO. *huggles*)

"I don't know," she meowed, her brow furrowing slightly, before she shot Nightclaw a surprised look as he started padding towards the nursery.
"Nightclaw, I don't think you should-"
She broke off when he halted, and she padded up beside him, glancing at him sideways to read his expression.
His thin black tail whipped angrily in frustration, and she mewed quietly, "Hey, it's not a deep cut- I'm sure after a day or so off it you'll be back on your paws."
She gave him a small, reassuring smile, before she padded over to Larkheart and licked his cheek in greeting.
"Hello," she purred. "Nice catch. I went fishing while you and Lightheart were out," she added conversationally, purposefully leaving out Nightclaw's name- no need to aggravate him more than necessary.


Waspkit grinned, striped tail sticking straight up. "Yeah! That'll work."
His bright blue eyes glowed with gladness at Flamekit, reflecting his appreciation for the other kit's presence.
"I think it would be better if you did it," the younger kit decided. "She's more annoyed at you. Plus, she thinks she's has to take care of me." He rolled his eyes.

Cranekit watched suspiciously as the toms whispered and snickered to each other. They were so plotting something. Sighing, exasperated beyond measure but unless she were to abandon both of them- which was not an option- there was nothing she could do about it. Flamekit possessed a natural ability to annoy her. She withheld judgement on Waspkit.
For now.
Both of them were just simply immature. Flamekit more so. And she had to deal with it because she was the only one intelligent enough to keep them from killing themselves.
Waddling after them, the Scottish Fold began devising methods of how to trick or bribe them back to camp. Flamekit was the one to convince; his little follower wouldn't be running around out here without him.


Lightheart glanced around, searching for someone to talk to, and her virident eyes landed on Hollynose.
Grinning, she bounced over to the dark she-cat and licked her ear. "Hey Hollynose! Oh, hi Applefur," she purred, rubbing her head on his shoulder, then pulling back and examining their expressions. "Um, why do you guys look so grim?"
As she spoke, she whipped her tail around to tickle Kestrelkit gently under his chin.


Flamekit shot Waspkit a wink, then whipped around to face a huge tree, ears pricked and whiskers quivering. "I think I smell a bird," he lied, then launched himself onto the lowest branch, grabbing it with his forepaws and hauling himself up, wobbling for a moment before gaining his balance. Okay, this was a bit harder than he thought, but still feasable. He crawled up to the next branch, then enacted the plan. Annoying powers engage!

"Hey Cranekit, I bet you couldn't get up here even if you were brave enough to try," he called over his shoulder, struggling to hide an evil grin. "Yup, up here you can't boss me around." He inched up to the third lowest branch. "I can get into as much trouble as I want now." He fixed her with his most irritating smirk, tail held high, a banner of smugness.

((Larkheart and the others coming later!))
Flamekit shot Waspkit a wink, then whipped around to face a huge tree, ears pricked and whiskers quivering. "I think I smell a bird," he lied, then launched himself onto the lowest branch, grabbing it with his forepaws and hauling himself up, wobbling for a moment before gaining his balance. Okay, this was a bit harder than he thought, but still feasable. He crawled up to the next branch, then enacted the plan. Annoying powers engage!

"Hey Cranekit, I bet you couldn't get up here even if you were brave enough to try," he called over his shoulder, struggling to hide an evil grin. "Yup, up here you can't boss me around." He inched up to the third lowest branch. "I can get into as much trouble as I want now." He fixed her with his most irritating smirk, tail held high, a banner of smugness.

((Larkheart and the others coming later!))
Cranekit rolled her eyes and looked up at him, tail flicking idly from side-to-side with almost careless disdain. Or at least, that was what she was going for.
"What in StarClan's name are you doing?"
The steady onslaught of irritation from Flamekit and frustration that she could do nothing about it was getting to her, and now made her sharp tongue unafraid of letting him know exactly how displeased she was.
"Seriously, do you have a death wish? You can't even hunt on the ground. What in StarClan makes you think you can do it in a tree?"
Waspkit's eyes widened at her words and hastily glanced at Flamekit for his reaction, waiting for his leadership, and expectant of the coming storm.
"Bravery?" she retorted, flopping down on her side to wait for the mousebrain. "Well, you're certainly brave enough to be stupid, so that's something, isn't it?"
Cranekit glared up at him, totally unapologetic, even as Waspkit's blue eyes rounded with amazement.

(lol, sorry bout dat, I figured she'd probably be very frustrated at this point :) Mad little baby :P Eheh, this probably is not what Clique had in mind... *headdesk* Sorry!)
Cranekit rolled her eyes and looked up at him, tail flicking idly from side-to-side with almost careless disdain. Or at least, that was what she was going for.
"What in StarClan's name are you doing?"
The steady onslaught of irritation from Flamekit and frustration that she could do nothing about it was getting to her, and now made her sharp tongue unafraid of letting him know exactly how displeased she was.
"Seriously, do you have a death wish? You can't even hunt on the ground. What in StarClan makes you think you can do it in a tree?"
Waspkit's eyes widened at her words and hastily glanced at Flamekit for his reaction, waiting for his leadership, and expectant of the coming storm.
"Bravery?" she retorted, flopping down on her side to wait for the mousebrain. "Well, you're certainly brave enough to be stupid, so that's something, isn't it?"
Cranekit glared up at him, totally unapologetic, even as Waspkit's blue eyes rounded with amazement.

(lol, sorry bout dat, I figured she'd probably be very frustrated at this point :) Mad little baby :P Eheh, this probably is not what Clique had in mind... *headdesk* Sorry!)


((Ahahaha no sassy Cranekit is fun!))

Fury boiled through Flamekit's veins. Seriously? Cranekit calling him stupid was nothing new, but she'd been nagging and nagging the whole way here--the whole day even. This was supposed to be his escape from the stuffy grownups and their rules, but Cranekit was just as bad. She had a superpower--the ability to suck the fun out of literally anything.

Plus she was humiliating him in front of his new friend Waspkit, and that rankled.

"Cranekit why do you have to mess everything up?" he bristled, lashing his long, poofed-out tail angrily. His amber eyes snapped to the next tree over, then at the branch he was on. The two trees caressed each other, like two cats walking so close they brushed pelts. "C'mon Waspkit, let's explore somewhere else. It's boring here."

With that, he lined himself up and tensed to sprint across the branch and fly to the neighboring tree. That would shut Cranekit up.
Nightclaw's ears drooped as Fawnmask determined he'd be off his paw for an entire day. Or two. This was so annoying. He was just about to resign himself to not knowing what was going on when Lightheart--amazing, lovely, loud Lightheart--joined the group of worried cats at the nursery. His ears pricked forward again. Yes, if Lightheart found out what was going on, she'd probably say it loud enough for him to hear! Things were looking up after all.

Despite his new plan, Nightclaw still pressed forward, curiosity too powerful to ignore. This time he went very, very slowly so as not to reinjure his paw.
An involuntary purr rumbled in Larkheart's chest as the cat who'd basically raised him drew near. "Hm, looks like the fish were slippery today," he teased, nodding in the direction of the fresh kill pile, where there were no fish to be seen. "Looks like I was able to outhunt you even with bees-for-brains over here tagging along," he joked, waving his feathery tail in Lightheart's direction.
((Ahahaha no sassy Cranekit is fun!))

Fury boiled through Flamekit's veins. Seriously? Cranekit calling him stupid was nothing new, but she'd been nagging and nagging the whole way here--the whole day even. This was supposed to be his escape from the stuffy grownups and their rules, but Cranekit was just as bad. She had a superpower--the ability to suck the fun out of literally anything.

Plus she was humiliating him in front of his new friend Waspkit, and that rankled.

"Cranekit why do you have to mess everything up?" he bristled, lashing his long, poofed-out tail angrily. His amber eyes snapped to the next tree over, then at the branch he was on. The two trees caressed each other, like two cats walking so close they brushed pelts. "C'mon Waspkit, let's explore somewhere else. It's boring here."

With that, he lined himself up and tensed to sprint across the branch and fly to the neighboring tree. That would shut Cranekit up.
Nightclaw's ears drooped as Fawnmask determined he'd be off his paw for an entire day. Or two. This was so annoying. He was just about to resign himself to not knowing what was going on when Lightheart--amazing, lovely, loud Lightheart--joined the group of worried cats at the nursery. His ears pricked forward again. Yes, if Lightheart found out what was going on, she'd probably say it loud enough for him to hear! Things were looking up after all.

Despite his new plan, Nightclaw still pressed forward, curiosity too powerful to ignore. This time he went very, very slowly so as not to reinjure his paw.
An involuntary purr rumbled in Larkheart's chest as the cat who'd basically raised him drew near. "Hm, looks like the fish were slippery today," he teased, nodding in the direction of the fresh kill pile, where there were no fish to be seen. "Looks like I was able to outhunt you even with bees-for-brains over here tagging along," he joked, waving his feathery tail in Lightheart's direction.
(lol, she's fun to write this way too XD)

Cranekit's small tail lashed furiously and she jumped to her paws, fur bristling.
"I only mess up things that you do because you can't follow a rule to save your life! And you know what? Sometimes your life does depend on it!"
The tiny she-kit's eyes widened as the stupid tom got so frustrated that he started making even more stupid decisions.
"Flamekit- don't-!" she gasped, anger replaced by fear as he tensed and faced the tree, as though he were about to jump.
No. Surely even Flamekit wouldn't be that dense.
"Flamekit, don't."
This time, it wasn't Cranekit's voice, and the small kit whirled around to come face-to-face with no other than Beestar herself.
Her frosty golden eyes were turned upward, fastened on the tomcat, and she let out a silent sigh of relief.
Thank StarClan.
She wouldn't have to drag Flamekit's dead body back to camp.
"Come down here at once." The the small leader's voice snapped like a whip, and Cranekit suddenly quailed inside, even though she hadn't done anything wrong. Right? Of course not. She'd been the responsible one of the group.
She chanced a glance sideways and saw Waspkit regarding his mother with horror.


Fawnmask purred softly and flicked his ear with her tail, and her amusement grew as Lightheart whipped around.
"We caught the same amount of prey, mister," she tossed back, then muttered, "Well, basically, anyway."
She lifted her tail aloofly at him and turned back to Hollynose and Applefur, pretending to be indignant.
She turned her perceptive amber eyes away from them and they fell onto the two cats beside Lightheart.
"Hey... Where's Beestar?" she asked curiously, looking around for the powerful little tabby.


Oh my StarClan, oh my StarClan, we did catch the same amount of prey, didn't we? Of course we did. And it's too late to measure. We totally did. Silverwing won anyway so it's like he has anything to boast about, or hold over my head. Yes.
(lol, she's fun to write this way too XD)

Cranekit's small tail lashed furiously and she jumped to her paws, fur bristling.
"I only mess up things that you do because you can't follow a rule to save your life! And you know what? Sometimes your life does depend on it!"
The tiny she-kit's eyes widened as the stupid tom got so frustrated that he started making even more stupid decisions.
"Flamekit- don't-!" she gasped, anger replaced by fear as he tensed and faced the tree, as though he were about to jump.
No. Surely even Flamekit wouldn't be that dense.
"Flamekit, don't."
This time, it wasn't Cranekit's voice, and the small kit whirled around to come face-to-face with no other than Beestar herself.
Her frosty golden eyes were turned upward, fastened on the tomcat, and she let out a silent sigh of relief.
Thank StarClan.
She wouldn't have to drag Flamekit's dead body back to camp.
"Come down here at once." The the small leader's voice snapped like a whip, and Cranekit suddenly quailed inside, even though she hadn't done anything wrong. Right? Of course not. She'd been the responsible one of the group.
She chanced a glance sideways and saw Waspkit regarding his mother with horror.


Fawnmask purred softly and flicked his ear with her tail, and her amusement grew as Lightheart whipped around.
"We caught the same amount of prey, mister," she tossed back, then muttered, "Well, basically, anyway."
She lifted her tail aloofly at him and turned back to Hollynose and Applefur, pretending to be indignant.
She turned her perceptive amber eyes away from them and they fell onto the two cats beside Lightheart.
"Hey... Where's Beestar?" she asked curiously, looking around for the powerful little tabby.


Oh my StarClan, oh my StarClan, we did catch the same amount of prey, didn't we? Of course we did. And it's too late to measure. We totally did. Silverwing won anyway so it's like he has anything to boast about, or hold over my head. Yes.


Ice flooded through Flamekit's veins, stopping him in his tracks. In fact, he stopped so fast, he tripped and nearly flew off the branch. Only by digging his claws hard into the bark was he able to keep from plunging down into the undergrowth. After scrambling to regain his balance, he fixed wide, fear-filled eyes on the leader, who definitely didn't seem amused right now.

"Y-yes, Beestar," he stammered, dipping his head. All his courage, his wish for adventure shriveled up in his chest. Ears held flat to his head, he crawled carefully down from the tree.

He was so in for it now.
Larkheart rolled his eyes and shot a wry smirk at Fawnmask. "Delusional as ever," he commented lazily. Of course, he knew they'd caught close to the same amount, but he'd never admit to anyone that she could have done as well as him.
Ice flooded through Flamekit's veins, stopping him in his tracks. In fact, he stopped so fast, he tripped and nearly flew off the branch. Only by digging his claws hard into the bark was he able to keep from plunging down into the undergrowth. After scrambling to regain his balance, he fixed wide, fear-filled eyes on the leader, who definitely didn't seem amused right now.

"Y-yes, Beestar," he stammered, dipping his head. All his courage, his wish for adventure shriveled up in his chest. Ears held flat to his head, he crawled carefully down from the tree.

He was so in for it now.
Larkheart rolled his eyes and shot a wry smirk at Fawnmask. "Delusional as ever," he commented lazily. Of course, he knew they'd caught close to the same amount, but he'd never admit to anyone that she could have done as well as him.
Beestar's tail lashed from side-to-side, and Cranekit flattened herself to the ground, even though the main focus of the leader's fury was not directed on her. For now, at any rate.
"Do you think," she said coldly, directing her frosty gaze to all three kits in turn. Waspkit flinched. "that the forest is a playground?"
She waited.
Waspkit swallowed slightly, apparently too stunned to answer.
Cranekit gulped and stood slowly, glancing sideways at Flamekit, then hastily away, refusing even now to ask him for help. She's my leader. It's okay. She's just....really mad, that's all.
She felt like a complete jerk to say that she had just been trying to look after him, was the truth, wasn't it?
And plus, he totally deserved this. She did not.
And then she had a sudden thought.
If she tattled on Flamekit now, she got the feeling their relationship would never be the same. She'd never mend this stupid rift that occurred with him being a stupid tom. He'd never listen to her if she fought fire with fire.
Cranekit hesitated, weighing her priorities, and she felt Beestar's eyes on her.
She swallowed, made her decision, and looked away, her mouth sealed shut.


Lightheart shot him an irritated look, tail lashing a little.
"Huh. Stubborn and pigheaded as ever," she flashed back, tail stilling and held jauntily high, a smirk appearing on her lovely yellow features, green eyes warming.
Beestar's tail lashed from side-to-side, and Cranekit flattened herself to the ground, even though the main focus of the leader's fury was not directed on her. For now, at any rate.
"Do you think," she said coldly, directing her frosty gaze to all three kits in turn. Waspkit flinched. "that the forest is a playground?"
She waited.
Waspkit swallowed slightly, apparently too stunned to answer.
Cranekit gulped and stood slowly, glancing sideways at Flamekit, then hastily away, refusing even now to ask him for help. She's my leader. It's okay. She's just....really mad, that's all.
She felt like a complete jerk to say that she had just been trying to look after him, was the truth, wasn't it?
And plus, he totally deserved this. She did not.
And then she had a sudden thought.
If she tattled on Flamekit now, she got the feeling their relationship would never be the same. She'd never mend this stupid rift that occurred with him being a stupid tom. He'd never listen to her if she fought fire with fire.
Cranekit hesitated, weighing her priorities, and she felt Beestar's eyes on her.
She swallowed, made her decision, and looked away, her mouth sealed shut.


Lightheart shot him an irritated look, tail lashing a little.
"Huh. Stubborn and pigheaded as ever," she flashed back, tail stilling and held jauntily high, a smirk appearing on her lovely yellow features, green eyes warming.


(Back again.. started classes and had to get into the rhythm of school [Says the one skipping class rn] but I'm here now..)

Echowish flicked her tail and sighed, moving away from Fawnmask and shaking out her fit before sitting down to lick it flat again. "Perhaps it was a little dangerous, but I wanted to check the river," she commented. "Besides, I don't think even Stagstar's followers would stoop as low as him and attack a medicine cat. In either case, I made sure to check the air and stay well away from their border."


Applefur blinked out of his daydreaming at the sound of Beestar's voice, sitting up and moving closer to Kestrelkit, curling his tail around the little cat before glancing at Hollyleaf. "Hopefully not too far outside of camp.. since Stagstar seemed to have no problem attacking Echowish, I wouldn't put it past his followers to attack a couple of defenseless kits.." he meowed softly, flicking an ear and looking away after a moment.
(Back again.. started classes and had to get into the rhythm of school [Says the one skipping class rn] but I'm here now..)

Echowish flicked her tail and sighed, moving away from Fawnmask and shaking out her fit before sitting down to lick it flat again. "Perhaps it was a little dangerous, but I wanted to check the river," she commented. "Besides, I don't think even Stagstar's followers would stoop as low as him and attack a medicine cat. In either case, I made sure to check the air and stay well away from their border."


Applefur blinked out of his daydreaming at the sound of Beestar's voice, sitting up and moving closer to Kestrelkit, curling his tail around the little cat before glancing at Hollyleaf. "Hopefully not too far outside of camp.. since Stagstar seemed to have no problem attacking Echowish, I wouldn't put it past his followers to attack a couple of defenseless kits.." he meowed softly, flicking an ear and looking away after a moment.
FRT +3

They became the King and Queen of Gotham City.
She was crazier than him, and more fearless.. she was his queen and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.
Kestrelkit looked up at Applefur with curiosity in his eyes "Who's Stagstar?? Why did they attack Echowish??? What did she do??" He stared at the two warriors with wide eyes. "What happened?"

Ravensong came back from his wandering with two birds. He was about to go back to camp when he spotted Beestar scolding 3 kits.
She looked mad so he debated whether he should go over there and see if she needed help or not. She's probably got it handled...
Kestrelkit looked up at Applefur with curiosity in his eyes "Who's Stagstar?? Why did they attack Echowish??? What did she do??" He stared at the two warriors with wide eyes. "What happened?"

Ravensong came back from his wandering with two birds. He was about to go back to camp when he spotted Beestar scolding 3 kits.
She looked mad so he debated whether he should go over there and see if she needed help or not. She's probably got it handled...
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