
Announcements & News

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TOPIC | Terms of Use Update
In light of our most recent update on the site and the safeguards we have been employing over the weekend, we have made some clarification to our Terms of Use on the usage of bots, scripts, add-ons, or functions that interact with Flight Rising in disproportionate ways. Please keep in mind that every single instance of this type of behavior is being reviewed thoroughly and on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any information on parties that might be employing said methods to bog down the site or if you have questions on whether your chosen methods to interact with the site fall into this category, you are welcome to send us a message in confidence via Contact Us.

Thank you!
In light of our most recent update on the site and the safeguards we have been employing over the weekend, we have made some clarification to our Terms of Use on the usage of bots, scripts, add-ons, or functions that interact with Flight Rising in disproportionate ways. Please keep in mind that every single instance of this type of behavior is being reviewed thoroughly and on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any information on parties that might be employing said methods to bog down the site or if you have questions on whether your chosen methods to interact with the site fall into this category, you are welcome to send us a message in confidence via Contact Us.

Thank you!
Flight Rising Developer
Project Management | Engineering Team Cheerleader | UI Designer