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TOPIC | [LIST] BBC Color Names (no hex codes)
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@Satellitee, like @yanisha asked: [quote]... how to change the background color if you want to use one of the lighter colors that´s hard to impossible to read on white?[/quote] It looks like you were able to do that in the first post, to make some whites, yellows, and lavender more visible. The test below shows it's not automatic. How did you manage it? ----- [size=2]Test: WhiteSmoke = "[color=WhiteSmoke]WhiteSmoke[/color]" LightYellow = "[color=LightYellow]LightYellow[/color]" Lavender = "[color=Lavender]Lavender[/color]" ----- [b][u]UPDATE:[/u][/b] Oh, wait, now I see! You did this: [code][spoiler]-[color=whitesmoke]WhiteSmoke[/color]-[/spoiler][/code] to get this: [spoiler]-[color=whitesmoke]WhiteSmoke[/color]-[/spoiler] That's awesome... except I was hoping for the ability to pick a background color other than black, which is a problem you haven't solved (and can't solve) for me. Sigh.
@Satellitee, like @yanisha asked:
... how to change the background color if you want to use one of the lighter colors that´s hard to impossible to read on white?

It looks like you were able to do that in the first post, to make some whites, yellows, and lavender more visible. The test below shows it's not automatic. How did you manage it?

WhiteSmoke = "WhiteSmoke"
LightYellow = "LightYellow"
Lavender = "Lavender"

Oh, wait, now I see! You did this:

to get this:

That's awesome... except I was hoping for the ability to pick a background color other than black, which is a problem you haven't solved (and can't solve) for me. Sigh.
* * * 4xMy0MR.gif * * *
Because the colors are really hard to distinguish on my screen when they're small, I really had to see them all blown up large:

-White- | -Snow- | -Honeydew- | -MintCream- | -Azure- | -AliceBlue- | -GhostWhite- | -WhiteSmoke- | -LavenderBlush- | -Gainsboro- | -Linen- | -LightGrey- | -Silver- | DarkGray | Gray | DimGray | LightSlateGray | SlateGray | DarkSlateGray | Black

IndianRed | Light Coral | Salmon | DarkSalmon | LightSalmon | Crimson | Red | FireBrick | DarkRed | Tomato | OrangeRed | Maroon

OrangeRed | DarkOrange | Orange | Gold

Gold | -Yellow- | -LightYellow- | -LemonChiffon- | -LightGoldenRodYellow- | -PapayaWhip- | -Moccasin- | -PeachPuff- | -PaleGoldenrod- | -Khaki- | DarkKhaki | -Ivory- | -AntiqueWhite-

ForestGreen | Green | DarkGreen | YellowGreen | OliveDrab | Olive | DarkOliveGreen | DarkSeaGreen | GreenYellow | Chartreuse | LawnGreen | Lime | LimeGreen | PaleGreen | LightGreen | MediumSpringGreen | SpringGreen | MediumSeaGreen | SeaGreen

MediumAquamarine | LightSeaGreen | DarkCyan | Teal | Aqua | PaleTurquoise | Aquamarine | DarkTurquoise | CadetBlue | SteelBlue | LightSteelBlue | PowderBlue | LightBlue | SkyBlue | LightSkyBlue | DeepSkyBlue | DodgerBlue | CornflowerBlue | MediumSlateBlue | RoyalBlue | Blue | MediumBlue | DarkBlue | Navy | MidnightBlue | SlateBlue | DarkSlateBlue[

-Lavender- | Thistle | Plum | Orchid | Magenta | MediumOrchid | MediumPurple | BlueViolet |DarkViolet | DarkOrchid | DarkMagenta | Purple | Indigo

Pink | LightPink | HotPink | DeepPink | MediumVioletRed | PaleVioletRed

NavajoWhite | Tan | BurlyWood | RosyBrown | SandyBrown | GoldenRod | DarkGoldenRod | Peru | Chocolate | SaddleBrown | Brown | Sienna
Because the colors are really hard to distinguish on my screen when they're small, I really had to see them all blown up large:

-White- | -Snow- | -Honeydew- | -MintCream- | -Azure- | -AliceBlue- | -GhostWhite- | -WhiteSmoke- | -LavenderBlush- | -Gainsboro- | -Linen- | -LightGrey- | -Silver- | DarkGray | Gray | DimGray | LightSlateGray | SlateGray | DarkSlateGray | Black

IndianRed | Light Coral | Salmon | DarkSalmon | LightSalmon | Crimson | Red | FireBrick | DarkRed | Tomato | OrangeRed | Maroon

OrangeRed | DarkOrange | Orange | Gold

Gold | -Yellow- | -LightYellow- | -LemonChiffon- | -LightGoldenRodYellow- | -PapayaWhip- | -Moccasin- | -PeachPuff- | -PaleGoldenrod- | -Khaki- | DarkKhaki | -Ivory- | -AntiqueWhite-

ForestGreen | Green | DarkGreen | YellowGreen | OliveDrab | Olive | DarkOliveGreen | DarkSeaGreen | GreenYellow | Chartreuse | LawnGreen | Lime | LimeGreen | PaleGreen | LightGreen | MediumSpringGreen | SpringGreen | MediumSeaGreen | SeaGreen

MediumAquamarine | LightSeaGreen | DarkCyan | Teal | Aqua | PaleTurquoise | Aquamarine | DarkTurquoise | CadetBlue | SteelBlue | LightSteelBlue | PowderBlue | LightBlue | SkyBlue | LightSkyBlue | DeepSkyBlue | DodgerBlue | CornflowerBlue | MediumSlateBlue | RoyalBlue | Blue | MediumBlue | DarkBlue | Navy | MidnightBlue | SlateBlue | DarkSlateBlue[

-Lavender- | Thistle | Plum | Orchid | Magenta | MediumOrchid | MediumPurple | BlueViolet |DarkViolet | DarkOrchid | DarkMagenta | Purple | Indigo

Pink | LightPink | HotPink | DeepPink | MediumVioletRed | PaleVioletRed

NavajoWhite | Tan | BurlyWood | RosyBrown | SandyBrown | GoldenRod | DarkGoldenRod | Peru | Chocolate | SaddleBrown | Brown | Sienna
* * * 4xMy0MR.gif * * *

How do you do gradient coloured text? Like in the titles of your colours.

How do you do gradient coloured text? Like in the titles of your colours.

This is awesome!

This is awesome!
Progen >93399p.png Art Shop 68696002p.png< Avatar
I'm not sure if you got it, or if this is a repeat color like cyan/ aqua, but beige is a color that you can use too!
I'm not sure if you got it, or if this is a repeat color like cyan/ aqua, but beige is a color that you can use too!
arrow ace
void punk
FR+3 | EST
A large eyed creature with headphones. Raindbow coloured musical notes hover all around it.

Not sure if transparent belongs on the list, but this seems to work regardless of the background:

Not sure if transparent belongs on the list, but this seems to work regardless of the background:
zqpG63L.png image0.png
A L Y S H I I A A   O F   L I G H T N I N G   F L I G H T

Ory67nL.gif vnvMixy.gif jA0eni1.gif
Ah. The new style looks good, too.
And - there seem to be a lot more colors, or am I mistaken? But I loved the groups you had them arranged in before - it´s a little sad to see them gone.
Ah. The new style looks good, too.
And - there seem to be a lot more colors, or am I mistaken? But I loved the groups you had them arranged in before - it´s a little sad to see them gone.
The Hatchery Masterlist

for future reference

for future reference
im steph | he/they/ram
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