
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lore we learned from Jailbreak
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[center]Self exsplanitory, I document just every noteworthy quote retraining cannon lore about dragons from the Bounty of the Elements update. Starting today it's [url=]Jailbrake [img][/img][/url][/center] [right][size=1]click the image to be brought to the entry Needless to say, there will be spoilers so please come back here after you read everything.[/size][/right] ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ [quote] By the light of the small campfire, two dragons (a tundra and skydancer) finished their paltry rations of smoked fish[/quote] Skydancers eat insects and plants Tundras only eat plants. neither breed eats fish. meaning dragons can lore wise eat other plant groups, and the diet is odds are has it's roots more in mechanic based and justified in lore. This would also mean that nearly all dragons have teeth of smoked to better chew on food, even if their jaw line is diffrent. It's like watching a dog eat a cabbage i guess is the best way to put it. It's not what dogs normally eat but they [i]can[/i] eat it. [quote] His companion, Wemba Freezeclaw, a stout female skydancer with unusually thick feathers[/quote] Dragon breeds can have diffrences in feather composision. There for having diversity over all. [quote] she stated firmly, gem on her forehead reflecting the light of the dying fire[/quote] Skulldancer's little gems are reflective. [quote] It wasn't uncommon for dragons to enlist the aid of freelancing longneck trailmasters in the dangerous passes of the Cloudscape Crags. At this altitude, sudden blizzards and temperature drops made flight dangerous, if not deadly, and no other beastclan was more suited to the harsh environment of the treacherous mountain range. [/quote] Not all beastclans are hostal as exspected. and apparently they (beastclans) use the same tresure system as dragons commonly do too. [quote]Tippa had agreed to navigate them south, but had told them that they were on their own once they reached the blizzardlands that surrounded the southern fortress. Time was of the essence. A break in the weather like this was unusual - abnormal, even - but they just couldn’t risk flying. Only a fool flies the crags in weather like this. A dragon could take off in clear skies but return home a frozen corpse, wings shredded by the ice and snow of an unexpected squall. [/quote] [img][/img] [img][/img] This just in; the Cloudscrape Crags and The Fortress of Ends are dangerous snowy places. More braking news at 11. [quote] If they hurried, they could make it through the mountain passes within a few days[/quote] [i]assuming[/i] that they are say halfway though the crags already since the story starts with them already into their jorny [img][/img] r = "a few days" of travel time, [b]wile not flying[/b], [u]wile with an experienced guide[/u], [i]wile in a hurry[/i]. Any war history junkies, can someone find me documentation of troop movment of soilders in hilly moutanus areas in the past and how long it took them to do that? Greek wars, anchent chinies wars, and i think any wars with elepahnts in them could be good bench marks in determaning how large roughly that place is. Keep in mind these dragons are []rather large and larger than humans at that[/url] so you should be looking at what the equivelent it'd be for a horse to get through the moutans with no trails to go by. [quote]Their destination was not the mighty Fortress of Ends itself - which held brutal, nightmarish creatures from the region's mysterious past – but a smaller ancillary ward: the Dripcave Dregs.[/quote] two things 1) [i]"Of all the dragons, ice dragons are the most unemotional, carefully preserving the world around them to be later analyzed and catalogued. Fossils and artifacts are their favored treasures. The god of the Ice Flight is the Icewarden."[/i] Seems like fossils arnt the only thing ice dragons like to presurve… 2) new location [b]Dripcave Dregs[/b] and "ancillary" is "providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system." so this is a "outpost" of sorts to Icewarden's main base. [quote] Their friend Magnu had a penchant for seeking and obtaining valuables that weren't his. Wemba warned him repeatedly that he was pushing his luck with the wardens. This most recent theft had been the last straw in their cold, unforgiving eyes. Why didn’t he listen, she thought somberly. Trendal gazed back at Wemba, the reality of Magnu’s grim situation left unspoken. In a place like the Southern Icefield, you never wanted to reach "the last straw". [/quote] this just in [url=]local dragon thinks they have the power to mess with the god's children whom are all cops/police / prison wardens.[/url] More at 12. [quote] When Wemba first suggested hiring the lanky snowhike, Trendal had been more than a little apprehensive. Trusting a longneck, especially given the nature of the heist they were about to embark on, was a preposterous idea. “You can’t be serious, Wemba!” Trendal exclaimed. • • • Wemba moved to meet the longneck, greeting her with a nod. “Tippa, what is the thing of Talona?” Trendal flinched, both at the name of the beastclan’s defacto leader and at Wemba’s embarrassing longneck language skills. Generally one does not refer to a clan leader as a "thing". [/quote] [url=]That's Racist [i]*ding*[/i][/url] [quote]Trendal flinched, both at the name of the beastclan’s defacto leader[/quote] Talona is a current figure head. meaning she is present day leader. A leader of a gobal race…thats still huge in scale. Us humans don't even have one leader, we all have our won goverment styles there is no such thing as one "defacto" leader of the human race. That should be some insight to the culture of the beastclans for you all. It's very very very rare to have a single unifier of a worlds population. And when we do have a single unifire, we have people like hitler or the act of colonialism as a result of it from our human history. Yet still with a "single unifire" many clans do their own thing…[i]asumiaboly[/i] im going to direct everyone whom reads this thread to [url=]BatCrooks' [i] The GUIDE to BEASTCLANS and Other Sapient Beings of Sornieth [i][/url] for a full guide for all your beastclan needs. [quote]Raising an eyebrow, Tippa stared at Wemba, and a tenseness hung in the air. The pair of dragons were just about to assume battle stances when Tippa lazily shrugged and presented Wemba with a crude contract for her services. [/quote] Racist tensions are [i]high as the windsinger[/i] the long neck just raised their eyebrow. [quote]Later that night, after Tippa had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”[/quote] [url=]That's Racist [i]*ding*[/i][/url] [quote] It was clear to all three that if they couldn’t get to a lower elevation and soon, they would not leave the Crags alive. [/quote] [img][/img] THEY ARNT EVEN IN THE FORTRESS AREA YET AND THEY'RE GOING TO DIE. JUST HOW DEADLY IS THIS DAMN PLACE? [quote] By the time evening fell, the blizzard had quieted down into heavy snowfall, and the group found themselves staring out over a long, flat expanse. Behind them the mountain loomed in the darkness, its peak shrouded in thick clouds. Tippa pointed across the barren field to a low set of hills decorated with wooden pike[/quote] (refrencing the image above) the circled area is where the moutan range ends generaly and it slopes down to flat lands. Knowing anything about desert creation [img][/img] the air surounding icewardens domain is dry and cold wile the past area would most likely get a lot more snow over all. Odds are huge colection of perma-ice. which we see later in the story- seems to be the case since whole biuldings are made out of [i]just[/i] ice. [quote] Wemba turned to Tippa, who was packing up before heading back to her clan. “Wait! Blizzard was normal? Storms not remember, not in our stories...” Tippa tilted her head, obviously working her way through Wemba's butchering of her language.[/quote] [url=]That's Racist [i]*ding*[/i][/url] [quote] Wemba turned to Tippa, who was packing up before heading back to her clan. “Wait! Blizzard was normal? Storms not remember, not in our stories...” • • • After a moment, a grave expression masked her face, and she shook her head ‘no.’[/quote] [quote][center][img][/img] [b]The Fortress of Ends[/b] [i]A frigid, unforgiving monument to the archaic past. From out of craggy, inhospitable terrain grow spires of impenetrable ice, covered in hoarfrost. Within these looming towers exist creatures, horrors, treasures, and even the ice flight's own denizens, trapped forever in unending preservation. [b]And they are being watched...[/b] [/i][/center][/quote] [LIST] [*][u]ABNORMAL[/u] weather patterns [*]Near a place where the god stays [*]and these "ruffians" where going out to brake a friend out from "jail" and out of [u]wardens'[/i] captivity [/LIST] [i]MMMMMM~[/i] I wonder if IceWarden made that to detour them? [quote] she shook her head ‘no.’[/quote] Apparently the body language of shaking your head "yes" and "no" is known commonly enough across two self aware species. And one of them in this case (dragons) aren't all bipedal / humanoid. [quote]The longneck then picked up her belongings and turned back. Within a few moments she had disappeared into the conifers and they were alone on the glacial plate. "Let's go get him," Wemba broke the silence. Trendal didn’t respond, his eyes blank as he stared across the ice field. “Who?” “Oh dear,” Wemba said, throwing a wing around her friend, guiding him forward. “You let the stress get to you, didn’t you?” The skydancer smiled affectionately at Trendal. “You’ll know him when you smell him.” [i]“Who?”[/i] “Let’s go, Trendal. We’ll find somewhere for you to rest.” Wemba sighed with a smile. [i]Tundras...[/i] [/quote] [img][/img] [quote] “It was (Tundra Trendal's) idea to rescue Magnu. If you let your fear overwhelm you, we will fail.” [/quote] It's been only about [b][i]4 days[/i][/b] and he forgot why he was doing this. Man their memory his [i]BEYOND BAD[/i]. [quote]Wemba, however, almost crowed in delight. “This is our opportunity, Trendal! With the blizzard back in full force, the guards are gonna have as much visibility as we do! We can sneak right past!” [/quote] [b][i]mmmmm[/i][/b] PERHAPS [i]this is why icewarden gave tundras godly sense of smell because of all the snowstorms.[/i] This is where they should have known they'd !@#$ed up. and ill point out where this bites them in the butt. [quote]The two scrambled to gather their belongings and, bracing themselves against the cold, headed out into the storm. Buffeted hard by strong frigid gales, they could only rely on Trendal's superior sense of smell to lead the way. Wemba was surrounded by walls of snow on every side and could barely see her friend as they trekked. As she opened her mouth to request he slow down, a chilling sound rocked the landscape. [/quote] okay hold on i need to brake this down [img][/img] okay so asume that there are 3 guards surounding the base where their bud is stuck in cause he got arrested. and icewraden made tundras be able to sense out with smell. I'm going to draw a Rough AOE of everyone's smell range. The guards in blue and the tundra bro in red. [img][/img] THEY ARE JUST [b]WALKING INTO THEIR RANGE LIKE IDEOTS[/b] DO THESE FOOLDS NOT KNOW THE CONCEPT OF GUARD DOGS!? ICEWARDEN DOES. HELL ONE [b]IS[/b] A GUARD DOG AND HES USEING THE SAME SKILL TO NAVIGATE THROUGH THE SNOW AS THEY ARE GOIGN TO BE USEING TO DETECT THEM. I'm glad both of them are dead, get them out of this gene pool. [quote] Terror washed over Wemba when she realized that the howls of the blizzard were almost completely drowned away by this sudden noise. They froze immediately, looking around for the source, but when a second bellow rumbled through, it came from all around them. A sudden flash of darkness to their left. Another flash to their right, closer than the first. After a tense moment of near silence, the sound came again. This time it was clear: This sound was coming from a creature. A third horrifying moan blared out forcefully; it was on them and around them. Hot fetid breath washed over their backsides. Wemba and Trendal stared at each other, eyes wide, as another breath of foul air rolled over them.[/quote] The flashes of darkness are the Gaolers legs coming down ontop of them useing this handy dandy size chart [url=]that i made and you can find the origoanl here[/url] for my dragons we can semi calculate their sizes if a skydancer and tundra can be trapped underneath [img][/img] [b]These "Gaolers" must be at least the size of our own ridgebacks[/b] [quote] They ran for what felt like hours[/quote] They only ran odds are for less than a minute, they where running for their lives and thsu the andrenelen makes everything kinda slow down from your perspective of time. [quote] Every few moments, the companions would have to halt themselves as the dark shapes bolted across their path. Instinctively, this urged them to run in the opposite direction and Wemba was sure that they had backtrakced several times. They were running in frantic circles.[/quote] The Gaolers are smart enough to just posision themselves in a triangle formation around them and have their pray tire themselves out. Just like how you catch a rabit actualy. You have it run till it passes out. It's actualy how our human ancestors hunted and why we're such good runners. We could out marathon any pray. … man these guys [i]are[/i] predators. [quote] After the skydancer had lost sight of Trendal, she paused to catch her breath. When she did, she lifted a wing and realized in horror that her feathers, her wings, were heavy with ice. She was freezing over.[/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url] [quote] A pattern started to emerge. The dark figures in the snow would only allow her to move in one direction. If she walked straight they left her alone, but when she tried to turn or retreat, they would assert themselves again. She screamed in rage, desperate to find her friend, pleading for the ordeal to end. [/quote] [img][/img] AGAIN IT"S PITCH WHITE OUT THERE A WHITE OUT AND THEY'RE DOING THIS BY SMELL ALONE THESE GUYS ARE [b][i]TOTAL IDEOTS AND YOU SHOULD NOT FEEL SORRY FOR THEM OR THEIR FATES.[/i][/b] [quote] In a brief moment of clarity, she noticed that the wardens were suspiciously absent.[/quote] [i]YEAH BECAUSE THEY GUIDED YOU IN HERE YOU IDEOT[/i] [quote] "It stirs..." • • • "It is alive, but not for long," [/quote] Gaolers are not aware of what modren dragon breeds look like let alone gender[b] [size=5](?)[/size][/b] [quote] Towering above her were three massive forms[/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url] [quote][i]They look...[/i] "Ancient," whispered one, answering her thoughts. [/quote] [size=7][i]I KNEW IT!!!!!!![/i] DRAGONS [b][i]CAN[/i][/b] MIND READ REGARDLESS OF ELEMENT! THERE ARE "BASIC SPELLS" THAT ALL DRAGON TYPES CAN LEARN[/size] [quote] • • • [i]...I’m looking directly into the eyes of the Icewarden's...[/i] "...first children. We are the Gaolers." [/quote] [url=][b]AND THEN THEY BRAKE INTO SONG[/b][/url] ----------------------- [center]Thank you for humoring my haphazard notes on this entry, I look forward in writing the next fact gathering for the next update! If I missed anything please let me know and I'll add it right underneath this line![/center] ----------------------- [quote name="MulberryScroll" date="2018-03-06 12:14:34" ] There's also bonus lore from the discussion thread - the blizzards aren't normal for the region, even if it's pretty darn cold. Something to do with the Bounty's elemental surge. [/quote] [quote name="Cumulus" date="2018-03-06 12:44:39" ] @/catgame21234 These are a really interesting!! I have one suggestion maybe? You know how you said you were surprised dragons and Beastclan use the same currency?i agree with you It does seem kind of surprising! Well from what we can tell it looks like dragon treasure is made from gold? Maybe it’s the gold that’s valuable for Beastclan, and that’s why it can be used [/quote] [quote name="Amyatzu" date="2018-03-06 13:12:07" ] Lore we learned from Jailbreak, to recap: [LIST] [*]Don't **** with Icewarden [*][i]Don't **** with Icewarden[/i] [*][b][i]Don't **** with Icewarden[/i][/b] [*][u][i][b]Don't **** with Icewarden[/b][/i][/u] [*][size=4][u][i][b]Don't **** with Icewarden[/b][/i][/u][/size] [/LIST] [/quote] [quote][img][/img][/quote] [quote name="MaskofKeter" date="2018-03-06 14:30:45" ] [quote name="ryttu3k" date="2018-03-06 13:55:39" ] Dragons have surnames. Great, now I have to come up with about sixty for my clan... [/quote] @/ryttu3k, the second names in the story seem more like epithets, a name others would call them or know them by, than they do surnames. For example, Trendal's second name is Rimeshank, which means 'frost-covered leg'. This name is similar to a epithet of Edward I of England. Edward I belonged to House Plantagenet, but he was called Edward Longshanks because of his long legs. They're just like the nicknames you'd give your friends, except in most cases, your friends aren't rulers whose name and nicknames are known by the entire countryside. [/quote] [quote name="catgame21234" date="2018-03-06 16:24:37" ] @/After [quote name="After" date="2018-03-06 16:19:25" ] @/catgame21234 re: eating different foods, considering how you hunt down information i don't know if you've seen this yet already but i'll drop it here anyway: [quote=Aequorin][quote]Each dragon breed have specific food item types that they can eat in their diet. As this is obviously used as a simple gaming mechanic to make breeds more unique and provide a range of possible food items we can keep track of as opposed to a boring singular type, outside of the gameplay can dragons still consume types of food outside of their normal diet? Since in your newest Forgotten Cave update, it was implied that "even the most carnivorous dragons" would resort to feasting on Drywood Termites if their hunting grounds became scarce.[/quote] As far as game mechanics go, the food types that dragons may consume are strict. For story purposes, their diets can be a bit more flexible, though we like to think that eating outside of a dragon's designated food type is not as nutritious for them.[/quote] ([url=]source[/url]) one of Tomo's post-question commentaries also mentions having spicy lemming soup for dinner (borrowing someone else's screenshot [url=]here[/url]), but in terms of site mechanics, all the lemmings are Meat items, and Snappers are restricted to Plants and Seafood while Faes are even further restricted to just Insects. so this isn't actually a new thing, just a bit obscure! though also nice to have in static lore. re: not all Beastclans being hostile, i've seen a couple posts about this to similar effect and it's somewhat surprising to me that it's coming as a surprise to everyone else lmao. seems like everyone forgot about the old Dunhoof familiars! centaurs, yet allied to (or at least neutral toward) dragons. if there's variation there, seems like it'd be obvious that there's variation elsewhere among Longnecks and the other beast groups as well. since they're, y'know, individuals, not a hivemind. [item=Dappled Dunhoof][item=Dunhoof Ambassador] and now re: mind-reading, which is something that threw me for a big loop in your post: [quote name="catgame21234" date="2018-03-06 13:37:57" ][quote name="Mediscoot" date="2018-03-06 13:15:32" ]I also don't get the whole, 'I knew dragons can mind-read!' part of your notes. As far as we know lorewise, only Gaolers can do this. [/quote] [ images snipped for length ] [size=7]RUNESTONES OF THE ARCANIST WOULD SAY OTHERWISE MY FRIEND[/size] [size=7] [b][i]MAGIC IS EVERYTHING[/i][/b][/size] [/quote] this still doesn't actually seem to [i]explain[/i] anything, though? [s]unless i missed another big post of yours where you go into this sort of thing.[/s] the runestones indicate that Mind (and the other non-flight stones) is perhaps an "element" (read: aspect) of draconic life in general, but it doesn't prove that all dragons have the ability to read minds, or that there are basic spells that can be learned in order to do so. (it may be reasonable to assume that there is at least [i]A[/i] spell to that effect [i]somewhere[/i], given that we have things like Contuse, Reflect, etc. which aren't strictly tied to an element, but it could be either way since there's nothing confirming or denying it. mindreading isn't stated or really even implied anywhere in canon as far as i'm aware, so for the sake of a canon-based discussion it seems a bit out of place.) one of Tomo's questions seems to imply that the 13 extra tiles aren't so much unique magics that can be used and instead are more just things that dragons regularly consider important in/about their lives/history/etc. [quote=Tomo's Trivia Tablet]"What fairground activity uses 11 elemental tiles + 13 [b]dragon themed[/b] tiles?"[/quote] taking the discussion into sillier territory, interpreting the 13 extra runestones as if the Mind one gives some special power, what would that mean for the others? timebending? pillarbending? clanbending? [i]Spiralbending?[/i] [/quote] BLESS THANK YOU FOR THOSE SORCES and no there is nothing linking the spells and runestones, and AGAIN thank you for the links so MCUH BUT STILL REGARDLESS WE HAVE MINDLINKING AND ITS [b][i]CANNON[/i][/b] THAT MEANS WE CAN TOTALY PUT IT ON OUR DRAGONS NOW AS PLAUSABOL EVEN JUST WORK AROUNDS LIKE WHAT LIKE MY DRAGONS DO IN THEIR LORE YES[b] [i]YESSSSSS[/i][/b] that's all im really excited about im SO HAPPY mindlinking is cannon even if its in the scary abomination IT'S NOT OUT OF REACH. [/quote] [quote name="catgame21234" date="2018-03-06 17:01:47" ] [quote name="After" date="2018-03-06 16:57:23" ] [quote name="catgame21234" date="2018-03-06 16:24:37" ]BLESS THANK YOU FOR THOSE SORCES and no there is nothing linking the spells and runestones, and AGAIN thank you for the links so MCUH BUT STILL REGARDLESS WE HAVE MINDLINKING AND ITS [b][i]CANNON[/i][/b] THAT MEANS WE CAN TOTALY PUT IT ON OUR DRAGONS NOW AS PLAUSABOL EVEN JUST WORK AROUNDS LIKE WHAT LIKE MY DRAGONS DO IN THEIR LORE YES[b] [i]YESSSSSS[/i][/b] that's all im really excited about im SO HAPPY mindlinking is cannon even if its in the scary abomination IT'S NOT OUT OF REACH. [/quote] potentially canon, and potentially only in regards to the Gaolers specifically, if that's what's actually going on and there's not some other shenaniganry we'll find out about with them later. (to be completely honest my first thought was more along the lines of their "mind reading" working based on smell somehow. because [i]~magic~[/i] and Tundra ancestor. |D or that they were turning Wemba's own sensing-ability on her and getting info that way. or they have some sort of magical artifact hidden under all that fur. who knows?) unless it's clarified whether this is a Gaoler-specific trait or a more external ability, there's currently not really anything to canonically indicate other breeds could do it too. most if not all the breeds have their own little quirk - Nocs are super-good mimics, Tundras have a good sense of smell, Snappers have awesome memory, Skydancers use their gems/antennae for emotion-/energy-sensing, so on and so forth - but those traits don't carry over across all the others. so sure, when it comes to personal lore, Every Option Ever is still on the table, but canonically? it doesn't seem like it's been proven yet. [/quote] @/After [img][/img] stop being [i]riiiiiight[/i] ;_; X,D; sorry I'll stop i just got…very happy and… [b]pleasantly[/b] surprised. I stick with cannon lore a lot and then I saw this then my mind just went into a spray of fireworks because it no longer felt like i was stealing cookies from the cookie jar when I had my magic users do that, yaknow? [/quote] [quote name="catgame21234" date="2018-03-06 18:53:42" ] [quote name="BlackWyld" date="2018-03-06 18:01:17" ] [quote name="After" date="2018-03-06 16:57:23" ] potentially canon, and potentially only in regards to the Gaolers specifically, if that's what's actually going on and there's not some other shenaniganry we'll find out about with them later. (to be completely honest my first thought was more along the lines of their "mind reading" working based on smell somehow. because [i]~magic~[/i] and Tundra ancestor. |D or that they were turning Wemba's own sensing-ability on her and getting info that way. or they have some sort of magical artifact hidden under all that fur. who knows?) unless it's clarified whether this is a Gaoler-specific trait or a more external ability, there's currently not really anything to canonically indicate other breeds could do it too. most if not all the breeds have their own little quirk - Nocs are super-good mimics, Tundras have a good sense of smell, Snappers have awesome memory, Skydancers use their gems/antennae for emotion-/energy-sensing, so on and so forth - but those traits don't carry over across all the others. so sure, when it comes to personal lore, Every Option Ever is still on the table, but canonically? it doesn't seem like it's been proven yet. [/quote] I agree with this especially in regards to how the Gaolers were able to herd Wemba and Tendel through the storm. They must have used some sort of mind ability to be able to sense and manipulate them the way they did. There is no way, in my mind, that they could have used scent. Tracking in wind is difficult, tracking in snowfall or rain is difficult, tracking in galeforce winds and epic blizzard conditions... no way, not to that accuracy, even with a preternatural sense of smell I just can't see it being possible. They must have some other magical or supernatural sense which is tied into their mind speak. [/quote] [img][/img] Oooooohhhh im not happy but you are making wonderful points. I didn't acount for wind. Still i doubt wind would play that huge of a factor. t'd be in the area … that said having mind reading capabilities does make it easier to move around, hence why my dragons udalize a version of it in the first place. ……oooooPH [i]man…[/i] I really wanted [i]that…[/i] ah well. [/quote] [quote name="Hinumi" date="2018-03-06 18:58:03" ] Not a lot to add about the obviously terrible tundra`s memory but it seems that stress/anxiety/fear makes it worse? [/quote] --------------------- [right][url=]–––> Lore book 2 [/url][/right] -------------- [center][url=][b]Lore Buddies Main Hub. Click to read more theories![/b][/url][/center] Lore buddy ping list: [b](add me as a friend and comment on my profile page to be added!)[/b] [size=1][size=1][size=1]@ArtsyDragon7, @Kawootie, @GlitterDCMarvel, @WhySoDelirious, @PoorLifeChoices, @Amyatzu, @JadeMagic, @CrystalRush, @Leopardmask, @violalore, @bowserslave, @Ellapinky, @JumpScared, @JadeFlame, @Duskflame, @TheElfDruid,@Rinwood,@DiamondNoodles,@3idolon,@Kaibutsu,@DarkwingDove, @ColoradoBlues @ClockworkEclipse, @SleepyChipmunk @Sabriel415, @DarkVSO, @Cheshly, @WhiteDiamond ,@RingsofSaturn, @Dalison, @MagicSpyglass,@Rocwylde, @Artificiary,@ILUVDRAGONS, @throwaway181,@L2B,@Kittystar,@riseandshine, @luminousnoble, @Spottedleaves1,@Gaming4Lyfe @MiniDrachin @Katsuokai @AetherDragon @Kano3Shuuya @Caravan @EmeraldJubilee @TheEngineer @Kristan @Inkapede @KitApparently @Dragongirlgirl @girlgirlDragon @JonTargaryen @CassieRose @Chimaerix @Comic1Sans @CrazyRedFire @QuetzalQueen @FlamingSwallow @ookamisoulreaper @HyperionForge @Starglade @GlassJungle @Galaxiel @biochemist @P4810 @CrAZDragon @Skyfire7 @AnacondaMiracle @Kerriganne @Remuta @Cumulus @Aaliyahgemini664 @Geckoe @Smirch @Nomo2001 @RecursionErr0r @Storey @Scorporius @Kapara @Ragnell @GuidanceOfficer @Espeon5712 @Druddigon @Thace @MrFrenchFrybrows @RicochetRomance @FluffyTundras @CloverGaming @argylion @starryfruit @Eiira @NovaAurora @dinosaur42 @TimeStandStill @browncoatparadox @TropicalDiamonds @Raecat @Cytus @RattleSnakes @SariStar @Kirrandria @clw23 @Hinumi @ThornOfStorm130 @FireStarter007 @Bluwingskitty @SnoringHyena [/size][/size][/size]
Self exsplanitory, I document just every noteworthy quote retraining cannon lore about dragons from the Bounty of the Elements update.

Starting today it's Jailbrake lore_ice9268676.png
click the image to be brought to the entry
Needless to say, there will be spoilers so please come back here after you read everything.

By the light of the small campfire, two dragons (a tundra and skydancer) finished their paltry rations of smoked fish
Skydancers eat insects and plants
Tundras only eat plants.
neither breed eats fish.

meaning dragons can lore wise eat other plant groups, and the diet is odds are has it's roots more in mechanic based and justified in lore. This would also mean that nearly all dragons have teeth of smoked to better chew on food, even if their jaw line is diffrent.
It's like watching a dog eat a cabbage i guess is the best way to put it. It's not what dogs normally eat but they can eat it.

His companion, Wemba Freezeclaw, a stout female skydancer with unusually thick feathers

Dragon breeds can have diffrences in feather composision. There for having diversity over all.
she stated firmly, gem on her forehead reflecting the light of the dying fire
Skulldancer's little gems are reflective.
It wasn't uncommon for dragons to enlist the aid of freelancing longneck trailmasters in the dangerous passes of the Cloudscape Crags. At this altitude, sudden blizzards and temperature drops made flight dangerous, if not deadly, and no other beastclan was more suited to the harsh environment of the treacherous mountain range.

Not all beastclans are hostal as exspected. and apparently they (beastclans) use the same tresure system as dragons commonly do too.
Tippa had agreed to navigate them south, but had told them that they were on their own once they reached the blizzardlands that surrounded the southern fortress.

Time was of the essence. A break in the weather like this was unusual - abnormal, even - but they just couldn’t risk flying. Only a fool flies the crags in weather like this. A dragon could take off in clear skies but return home a frozen corpse, wings shredded by the ice and snow of an unexpected squall.
ice_2.png ice_3.png
This just in; the Cloudscrape Crags and The Fortress of Ends are dangerous snowy places.
More braking news at 11.

If they hurried, they could make it through the mountain passes within a few days

assuming that they are say halfway though the crags already since the story starts with them already into their jorny

r = "a few days" of travel time, wile not flying, wile with an experienced guide, wile in a hurry.

Any war history junkies, can someone find me documentation of troop movment of soilders in hilly moutanus areas in the past and how long it took them to do that? Greek wars, anchent chinies wars, and i think any wars with elepahnts in them could be good bench marks in determaning how large roughly that place is.
Keep in mind these dragons are rather large and larger than humans at that so you should be looking at what the equivelent it'd be for a horse to get through the moutans with no trails to go by.

Their destination was not the mighty Fortress of Ends itself - which held brutal, nightmarish creatures from the region's mysterious past – but a smaller ancillary ward: the Dripcave Dregs.

two things
1) "Of all the dragons, ice dragons are the most unemotional, carefully preserving the world around them to be later analyzed and catalogued. Fossils and artifacts are their favored treasures. The god of the Ice Flight is the Icewarden."
Seems like fossils arnt the only thing ice dragons like to presurve…

2) new location Dripcave Dregs

and "ancillary" is "providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system."
so this is a "outpost" of sorts to Icewarden's main base.

Their friend Magnu had a penchant for seeking and obtaining valuables that weren't his. Wemba warned him repeatedly that he was pushing his luck with the wardens. This most recent theft had been the last straw in their cold, unforgiving eyes. Why didn’t he listen, she thought somberly.

Trendal gazed back at Wemba, the reality of Magnu’s grim situation left unspoken. In a place like the Southern Icefield, you never wanted to reach "the last straw".
this just in local dragon thinks they have the power to mess with the god's children whom are all cops/police / prison wardens.
More at 12.
When Wemba first suggested hiring the lanky snowhike, Trendal had been more than a little apprehensive. Trusting a longneck, especially given the nature of the heist they were about to embark on, was a preposterous idea.

“You can’t be serious, Wemba!” Trendal exclaimed.

• • •

Wemba moved to meet the longneck, greeting her with a nod. “Tippa, what is the thing of Talona?”

Trendal flinched, both at the name of the beastclan’s defacto leader and at Wemba’s embarrassing longneck language skills. Generally one does not refer to a clan leader as a "thing".

That's Racist *ding*

Trendal flinched, both at the name of the beastclan’s defacto leader

Talona is a current figure head. meaning she is present day leader. A leader of a gobal race…thats still huge in scale.
Us humans don't even have one leader, we all have our won goverment styles there is no such thing as one "defacto" leader of the human race. That should be some insight to the culture of the beastclans for you all.
It's very very very rare to have a single unifier of a worlds population.
And when we do have a single unifire, we have people like hitler or the act of colonialism as a result of it from our human history. Yet still with a "single unifire" many clans do their own thing…asumiaboly

im going to direct everyone whom reads this thread to
and Other Sapient Beings of Sornieth

for a full guide for all your beastclan needs.
Raising an eyebrow, Tippa stared at Wemba, and a tenseness hung in the air. The pair of dragons were just about to assume battle stances when Tippa lazily shrugged and presented Wemba with a crude contract for her services.

Racist tensions are high as the windsinger the long neck just raised their eyebrow.

Later that night, after Tippa had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”

That's Racist *ding*

It was clear to all three that if they couldn’t get to a lower elevation and soon, they would not leave the Crags alive.



By the time evening fell, the blizzard had quieted down into heavy snowfall, and the group found themselves staring out over a long, flat expanse. Behind them the mountain loomed in the darkness, its peak shrouded in thick clouds. Tippa pointed across the barren field to a low set of hills decorated with wooden pike
(refrencing the image above) the circled area is where the moutan range ends generaly and it slopes down to flat lands. Knowing anything about desert creation
the air surounding icewardens domain is dry and cold wile the past area would most likely get a lot more snow over all. Odds are huge colection of perma-ice. which we see later in the story- seems to be the case since whole biuldings are made out of just ice.
Wemba turned to Tippa, who was packing up before heading back to her clan. “Wait! Blizzard was normal? Storms not remember, not in our stories...”

Tippa tilted her head, obviously working her way through Wemba's butchering of her language.

That's Racist *ding*

Wemba turned to Tippa, who was packing up before heading back to her clan. “Wait! Blizzard was normal? Storms not remember, not in our stories...”
• • •
After a moment, a grave expression masked her face, and she shook her head ‘no.’

The Fortress of Ends
A frigid, unforgiving monument to the archaic past. From out of craggy, inhospitable terrain grow spires of impenetrable ice, covered in hoarfrost. Within these looming towers exist creatures, horrors, treasures, and even the ice flight's own denizens, trapped forever in unending preservation. And they are being watched...
  • ABNORMAL weather patterns
  • Near a place where the god stays
  • and these "ruffians" where going out to brake a friend out from "jail" and out of wardens' captivity

MMMMMM~ I wonder if IceWarden made that to detour them?

she shook her head ‘no.’

Apparently the body language of shaking your head "yes" and "no" is known commonly enough across two self aware species. And one of them in this case (dragons) aren't all bipedal / humanoid.

The longneck then picked up her belongings and turned back. Within a few moments she had disappeared into the conifers and they were alone on the glacial plate.

"Let's go get him," Wemba broke the silence.

Trendal didn’t respond, his eyes blank as he stared across the ice field. “Who?”

“Oh dear,” Wemba said, throwing a wing around her friend, guiding him forward. “You let the stress get to you, didn’t you?” The skydancer smiled affectionately at Trendal. “You’ll know him when you smell him.”


“Let’s go, Trendal. We’ll find somewhere for you to rest.” Wemba sighed with a smile. Tundras...

“It was (Tundra Trendal's) idea to rescue Magnu. If you let your fear overwhelm you, we will fail.”

It's been only about 4 days and he forgot why he was doing this. Man their memory his BEYOND BAD.

Wemba, however, almost crowed in delight. “This is our opportunity, Trendal! With the blizzard back in full force, the guards are gonna have as much visibility as we do! We can sneak right past!”
mmmmm PERHAPS this is why icewarden gave tundras godly sense of smell because of all the snowstorms.
This is where they should have known they'd !@#$ed up. and ill point out where this bites them in the butt.
The two scrambled to gather their belongings and, bracing themselves against the cold, headed out into the storm. Buffeted hard by strong frigid gales, they could only rely on Trendal's superior sense of smell to lead the way. Wemba was surrounded by walls of snow on every side and could barely see her friend as they trekked. As she opened her mouth to request he slow down, a chilling sound rocked the landscape.

okay hold on i need to brake this down


okay so asume that there are 3 guards surounding the base where their bud is stuck in cause he got arrested.
and icewraden made tundras be able to sense out with smell.

I'm going to draw a Rough AOE of everyone's smell range. The guards in blue and the tundra bro in red.



I'm glad both of them are dead, get them out of this gene pool.
Terror washed over Wemba when she realized that the howls of the blizzard were almost completely drowned away by this sudden noise. They froze immediately, looking around for the source, but when a second bellow rumbled through, it came from all around them.

A sudden flash of darkness to their left.

Another flash to their right, closer than the first.

After a tense moment of near silence, the sound came again. This time it was clear: This sound was coming from a creature. A third horrifying moan blared out forcefully; it was on them and around them. Hot fetid breath washed over their backsides. Wemba and Trendal stared at each other, eyes wide, as another breath of foul air rolled over them.

The flashes of darkness are the Gaolers legs coming down ontop of them

useing this handy dandy size chart that i made and you can find the origoanl here for my dragons we can semi calculate their sizes if a skydancer and tundra can be trapped underneath


These "Gaolers" must be at least the size of our own ridgebacks

They ran for what felt like hours
They only ran odds are for less than a minute, they where running for their lives and thsu the andrenelen makes everything kinda slow down from your perspective of time.
Every few moments, the companions would have to halt themselves as the dark shapes bolted across their path. Instinctively, this urged them to run in the opposite direction and Wemba was sure that they had backtrakced several times. They were running in frantic circles.

The Gaolers are smart enough to just posision themselves in a triangle formation around them and have their pray tire themselves out. Just like how you catch a rabit actualy. You have it run till it passes out. It's actualy how our human ancestors hunted and why we're such good runners. We could out marathon any pray.

man these guys are predators.
After the skydancer had lost sight of Trendal, she paused to catch her breath. When she did, she lifted a wing and realized in horror that her feathers, her wings, were heavy with ice. She was freezing over.
25uyrw.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
A pattern started to emerge. The dark figures in the snow would only allow her to move in one direction. If she walked straight they left her alone, but when she tried to turn or retreat, they would assert themselves again. She screamed in rage, desperate to find her friend, pleading for the ordeal to end.


In a brief moment of clarity, she noticed that the wardens were suspiciously absent.
"It stirs..."

• • •

"It is alive, but not for long,"

Gaolers are not aware of what modren dragon breeds look like let alone gender (?)
Towering above her were three massive forms
25uzf9.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
They look...

"Ancient," whispered one, answering her thoughts.

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!

• • •

...I’m looking directly into the eyes of the Icewarden's...

"...first children. We are the Gaolers."


Thank you for humoring my haphazard notes on this entry, I look forward in writing the next fact gathering for the next update! If I missed anything please let me know and I'll add it right underneath this line!

MulberryScroll wrote on 2018-03-06 12:14:34:
There's also bonus lore from the discussion thread - the blizzards aren't normal for the region, even if it's pretty darn cold. Something to do with the Bounty's elemental surge.
Cumulus wrote on 2018-03-06 12:44:39:

These are a really interesting!!

I have one suggestion maybe? You know how you said you were surprised dragons and Beastclan use the same currency?i agree with you It does seem kind of surprising!

Well from what we can tell it looks like dragon treasure is made from gold? Maybe it’s the gold that’s valuable for Beastclan, and that’s why it can be used
Amyatzu wrote on 2018-03-06 13:12:07:
Lore we learned from Jailbreak, to recap:

  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden

MaskofKeter wrote on 2018-03-06 14:30:45:
ryttu3k wrote on 2018-03-06 13:55:39:
Dragons have surnames. Great, now I have to come up with about sixty for my clan...

@/ryttu3k, the second names in the story seem more like epithets, a name others would call them or know them by, than they do surnames.

For example, Trendal's second name is Rimeshank, which means 'frost-covered leg'. This name is similar to a epithet of Edward I of England. Edward I belonged to House Plantagenet, but he was called Edward Longshanks because of his long legs.

They're just like the nicknames you'd give your friends, except in most cases, your friends aren't rulers whose name and nicknames are known by the entire countryside.
catgame21234 wrote on 2018-03-06 16:24:37:
After wrote on 2018-03-06 16:19:25:
@/catgame21234 re: eating different foods, considering how you hunt down information i don't know if you've seen this yet already but i'll drop it here anyway:
Aequorin wrote:
Each dragon breed have specific food item types that they can eat in their diet. As this is obviously used as a simple gaming mechanic to make breeds more unique and provide a range of possible food items we can keep track of as opposed to a boring singular type, outside of the gameplay can dragons still consume types of food outside of their normal diet? Since in your newest Forgotten Cave update, it was implied that "even the most carnivorous dragons" would resort to feasting on Drywood Termites if their hunting grounds became scarce.

As far as game mechanics go, the food types that dragons may consume are strict. For story purposes, their diets can be a bit more flexible, though we like to think that eating outside of a dragon's designated food type is not as nutritious for them.


one of Tomo's post-question commentaries also mentions having spicy lemming soup for dinner (borrowing someone else's screenshot here), but in terms of site mechanics, all the lemmings are Meat items, and Snappers are restricted to Plants and Seafood while Faes are even further restricted to just Insects. so this isn't actually a new thing, just a bit obscure! though also nice to have in static lore.

re: not all Beastclans being hostile, i've seen a couple posts about this to similar effect and it's somewhat surprising to me that it's coming as a surprise to everyone else lmao. seems like everyone forgot about the old Dunhoof familiars! centaurs, yet allied to (or at least neutral toward) dragons. if there's variation there, seems like it'd be obvious that there's variation elsewhere among Longnecks and the other beast groups as well. since they're, y'know, individuals, not a hivemind.

Dappled Dunhoof Dunhoof Ambassador

and now re: mind-reading, which is something that threw me for a big loop in your post:
catgame21234 wrote on 2018-03-06 13:37:57:
Mediscoot wrote on 2018-03-06 13:15:32:
I also don't get the whole, 'I knew dragons can mind-read!' part of your notes. As far as we know lorewise, only Gaolers can do this.

[ images snipped for length ]


this still doesn't actually seem to explain anything, though? unless i missed another big post of yours where you go into this sort of thing. the runestones indicate that Mind (and the other non-flight stones) is perhaps an "element" (read: aspect) of draconic life in general, but it doesn't prove that all dragons have the ability to read minds, or that there are basic spells that can be learned in order to do so. (it may be reasonable to assume that there is at least A spell to that effect somewhere, given that we have things like Contuse, Reflect, etc. which aren't strictly tied to an element, but it could be either way since there's nothing confirming or denying it. mindreading isn't stated or really even implied anywhere in canon as far as i'm aware, so for the sake of a canon-based discussion it seems a bit out of place.)

one of Tomo's questions seems to imply that the 13 extra tiles aren't so much unique magics that can be used and instead are more just things that dragons regularly consider important in/about their lives/history/etc.
Tomo's Trivia Tablet wrote:
"What fairground activity uses 11 elemental tiles + 13 dragon themed tiles?"

taking the discussion into sillier territory, interpreting the 13 extra runestones as if the Mind one gives some special power, what would that mean for the others? timebending? pillarbending? clanbending? Spiralbending?


and no there is nothing linking the spells and runestones, and AGAIN thank you for the links so MCUH


that's all im really excited about
im SO HAPPY mindlinking is cannon
even if its in the scary abomination IT'S NOT OUT OF REACH.
catgame21234 wrote on 2018-03-06 17:01:47:
After wrote on 2018-03-06 16:57:23:
catgame21234 wrote on 2018-03-06 16:24:37:

and no there is nothing linking the spells and runestones, and AGAIN thank you for the links so MCUH


that's all im really excited about
im SO HAPPY mindlinking is cannon
even if its in the scary abomination IT'S NOT OUT OF REACH.
potentially canon, and potentially only in regards to the Gaolers specifically, if that's what's actually going on and there's not some other shenaniganry we'll find out about with them later. (to be completely honest my first thought was more along the lines of their "mind reading" working based on smell somehow. because ~magic~ and Tundra ancestor. |D or that they were turning Wemba's own sensing-ability on her and getting info that way. or they have some sort of magical artifact hidden under all that fur. who knows?)

unless it's clarified whether this is a Gaoler-specific trait or a more external ability, there's currently not really anything to canonically indicate other breeds could do it too. most if not all the breeds have their own little quirk - Nocs are super-good mimics, Tundras have a good sense of smell, Snappers have awesome memory, Skydancers use their gems/antennae for emotion-/energy-sensing, so on and so forth - but those traits don't carry over across all the others.

so sure, when it comes to personal lore, Every Option Ever is still on the table, but canonically? it doesn't seem like it's been proven yet.

stop being riiiiiight ;_;

X,D; sorry I'll stop i just got…very happy and… pleasantly surprised. I stick with cannon lore a lot and then I saw this then my mind just went into a spray of fireworks because it no longer felt like i was stealing cookies from the cookie jar when I had my magic users do that, yaknow?
catgame21234 wrote on 2018-03-06 18:53:42:
BlackWyld wrote on 2018-03-06 18:01:17:
After wrote on 2018-03-06 16:57:23:
potentially canon, and potentially only in regards to the Gaolers specifically, if that's what's actually going on and there's not some other shenaniganry we'll find out about with them later. (to be completely honest my first thought was more along the lines of their "mind reading" working based on smell somehow. because ~magic~ and Tundra ancestor. |D or that they were turning Wemba's own sensing-ability on her and getting info that way. or they have some sort of magical artifact hidden under all that fur. who knows?)

unless it's clarified whether this is a Gaoler-specific trait or a more external ability, there's currently not really anything to canonically indicate other breeds could do it too. most if not all the breeds have their own little quirk - Nocs are super-good mimics, Tundras have a good sense of smell, Snappers have awesome memory, Skydancers use their gems/antennae for emotion-/energy-sensing, so on and so forth - but those traits don't carry over across all the others.

so sure, when it comes to personal lore, Every Option Ever is still on the table, but canonically? it doesn't seem like it's been proven yet.

I agree with this especially in regards to how the Gaolers were able to herd Wemba and Tendel through the storm. They must have used some sort of mind ability to be able to sense and manipulate them the way they did. There is no way, in my mind, that they could have used scent.
Tracking in wind is difficult, tracking in snowfall or rain is difficult, tracking in galeforce winds and epic blizzard conditions... no way, not to that accuracy, even with a preternatural sense of smell I just can't see it being possible.
They must have some other magical or supernatural sense which is tied into their mind speak.


Oooooohhhh im not happy but you are making wonderful points. I didn't acount for wind.
Still i doubt wind would play that huge of a factor. t'd be in the area

that said having mind reading capabilities does make it easier to move around, hence why my dragons udalize a version of it in the first place.

……oooooPH man… I really wanted that…

ah well.
Hinumi wrote on 2018-03-06 18:58:03:
Not a lot to add about the obviously terrible tundra`s memory but it seems that stress/anxiety/fear makes it worse?

Lore buddy ping list: (add me as a friend and comment on my profile page to be added!)
@ArtsyDragon7, @Kawootie, @GlitterDCMarvel, @WhySoDelirious, @PoorLifeChoices, @Amyatzu, @JadeMagic, @CrystalRush, @Leopardmask, @violalore, @bowserslave, @Ellapinky, @JumpScared, @JadeFlame, @Duskflame, @TheElfDruid,@Rinwood,@DiamondNoodles,@3idolon,@Kaibutsu,@DarkwingDove, @ColoradoBlues @ClockworkEclipse, @SleepyChipmunk @Sabriel415, @DarkVSO,
@Cheshly, @WhiteDiamond ,@RingsofSaturn, @Dalison, @MagicSpyglass,@Rocwylde, @Artificiary,@ILUVDRAGONS, @throwaway181,@L2B,@Kittystar,@riseandshine, @luminousnoble, @Spottedleaves1,@Gaming4Lyfe @MiniDrachin @Katsuokai @AetherDragon @Kano3Shuuya @Caravan @EmeraldJubilee @TheEngineer @Kristan @Inkapede @KitApparently @Dragongirlgirl @girlgirlDragon @JonTargaryen @CassieRose @Chimaerix @Comic1Sans @CrazyRedFire @QuetzalQueen @FlamingSwallow @ookamisoulreaper @HyperionForge @Starglade @GlassJungle @Galaxiel @biochemist @P4810 @CrAZDragon @Skyfire7 @AnacondaMiracle @Kerriganne @Remuta @Cumulus @Aaliyahgemini664 @Geckoe
@Smirch @Nomo2001 @RecursionErr0r @Storey @Scorporius @Kapara @Ragnell @GuidanceOfficer @Espeon5712 @Druddigon @Thace @MrFrenchFrybrows @RicochetRomance @FluffyTundras @CloverGaming @argylion @starryfruit @Eiira @NovaAurora @dinosaur42 @TimeStandStill @browncoatparadox @TropicalDiamonds @Raecat @Cytus @RattleSnakes @SariStar @Kirrandria @clw23 @Hinumi @ThornOfStorm130 @FireStarter007 @Bluwingskitty @SnoringHyena

There's also bonus lore from the discussion thread - the blizzards aren't normal for the region, even if it's pretty darn cold. Something to do with the Bounty's elemental surge.
There's also bonus lore from the discussion thread - the blizzards aren't normal for the region, even if it's pretty darn cold. Something to do with the Bounty's elemental surge.
I like some of the notes made here, especially about how stupid a plan this was. But what I love? CinemaSins references, because I did not expect that at all.
I like some of the notes made here, especially about how stupid a plan this was. But what I love? CinemaSins references, because I did not expect that at all.
*Looks at lair* Ah yes. Organised chaos.

These are a really interesting!!

I have one suggestion maybe? You know how you said you were surprised dragons and Beastclan use the same currency?i agree with you It does seem kind of surprising!

Well from what we can tell it looks like dragon treasure is made from gold? Maybe it’s the gold that’s valuable for Beastclan, and that’s why it can be used

These are a really interesting!!

I have one suggestion maybe? You know how you said you were surprised dragons and Beastclan use the same currency?i agree with you It does seem kind of surprising!

Well from what we can tell it looks like dragon treasure is made from gold? Maybe it’s the gold that’s valuable for Beastclan, and that’s why it can be used




And how much time did you spend on that?

But hey, that's just a theory.
ThanK's for reading.
And how much time did you spend on that?

But hey, that's just a theory.
ThanK's for reading.
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarAdoptables
Ooo, I was waiting for someone to make something like this! Great job!
Ooo, I was waiting for someone to make something like this! Great job!

Lore we learned from Jailbreak, to recap:
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
Lore we learned from Jailbreak, to recap:
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden
  • Don't **** with Icewarden



Were you expecting a modicum of rust?
I don't get the 'That's Racist' notes added, especially after this part, [quote]Later that night, after Tippa had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”[/quote] It's part of Skydancer lore that they can sense the intentions of others. [quote]This gem-like orb connects directly to the Skydancer's skull and the delicate antennae surrounding it are sensitive to minute vibrations. This ability allows the species to sense when magical energies are present, [u]and to sense the disposition of other dragons and creatures by the subtle energy given off by their body and state of mind.[/u] [/quote] I also don't get the whole, 'I knew dragons can mind-read!' part of your notes. As far as we know lorewise, only Gaolers can do this. There are a couple good notes here though, like the treasure system and the diets.
I don't get the 'That's Racist' notes added, especially after this part,
Later that night, after Tippa had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”

It's part of Skydancer lore that they can sense the intentions of others.
This gem-like orb connects directly to the Skydancer's skull and the delicate antennae surrounding it are sensitive to minute vibrations. This ability allows the species to sense when magical energies are present, and to sense the disposition of other dragons and creatures by the subtle energy given off by their body and state of mind.

I also don't get the whole, 'I knew dragons can mind-read!' part of your notes. As far as we know lorewise, only Gaolers can do this.

There are a couple good notes here though, like the treasure system and the diets.
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[quote name="SheridanCharon" date="2018-03-06 12:41:06" ] I like some of the notes made here, especially about how stupid a plan this was. But what I love? CinemaSins references, because I did not expect that at all. [/quote] [img][/img] @BraveEguana [quote name="BraveEguana" date="2018-03-06 12:45:09" ] And how much time did you spend on that? ... But hey, that's just a theory. A FLIIIIGHT RISING THEORY. ThanK's for reading. [/quote] an hour to write it 10 miuntes to look up how to better import gifs in photoshop insted of doing it frame by frame and 4 minnets to edit this gif so I could slap you on the head for saying this was a theory when this thread was gathering [b]evidence[/b] for future theories and headcannons. [img][/img] Use that saying right or don't use it at all. @Mediscoot [quote name="Mediscoot" date="2018-03-06 13:15:32" ] I don't get the 'That's Racist' notes added, especially after this part, [quote]Later that night, after Tippa had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”[/quote] It's part of Skydancer lore that they can sense the intentions of others. [quote]This gem-like orb connects directly to the Skydancer's skull and the delicate antennae surrounding it are sensitive to minute vibrations. This ability allows the species to sense when magical energies are present, [u]and to sense the disposition of other dragons and creatures by the subtle energy given off by their body and state of mind.[/u] [/quote][/quote] Perhaps a rewording might make the comparison more clear. [quote=A "fun" edit]"Later that night, after [b]The 'Token Minority Member' / The 'Big Scary Black Man' / The 'other kind'[/b] had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?” [/quote] [quote name="Mediscoot" date="2018-03-06 13:15:32" ]I also don't get the whole, 'I knew dragons can mind-read!' part of your notes. As far as we know lorewise, only Gaolers can do this. [/quote] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=7]RUNESTONES OF THE ARCANIST WOULD SAY OTHERWISE MY FRIEND[/size] [img][/img] [size=7] [b][i]MAGIC IS EVERYTHING[/i][/b][/size]
SheridanCharon wrote on 2018-03-06 12:41:06:
I like some of the notes made here, especially about how stupid a plan this was. But what I love? CinemaSins references, because I did not expect that at all.

BraveEguana wrote on 2018-03-06 12:45:09:
And how much time did you spend on that?

But hey, that's just a theory.
ThanK's for reading.

an hour to write it

10 miuntes to look up how to better import gifs in photoshop insted of doing it frame by frame

and 4 minnets to edit this gif so I could slap you on the head for saying this was a theory when this thread was gathering evidence for future theories and headcannons.


Use that saying right or don't use it at all.

Mediscoot wrote on 2018-03-06 13:15:32:
I don't get the 'That's Racist' notes added, especially after this part,
Later that night, after Tippa had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”

It's part of Skydancer lore that they can sense the intentions of others.
This gem-like orb connects directly to the Skydancer's skull and the delicate antennae surrounding it are sensitive to minute vibrations. This ability allows the species to sense when magical energies are present, and to sense the disposition of other dragons and creatures by the subtle energy given off by their body and state of mind.

Perhaps a rewording might make the comparison more clear.
A fun edit wrote:
"Later that night, after The 'Token Minority Member' / The 'Big Scary Black Man' / The 'other kind' had retreated to her blanket pile, Wemba leaned over to Trendal and pointed a talon at the gem-like orb on her forehead. “Besides, don’t you think I’d sense if she meant to hurt us?”

Mediscoot wrote on 2018-03-06 13:15:32:
I also don't get the whole, 'I knew dragons can mind-read!' part of your notes. As far as we know lorewise, only Gaolers can do this.

Runestones_blood.png Runestones_chaos.png

This is why I left Ice Flight
This is why I left Ice Flight
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