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TOPIC | [ New Story ! ] Come look ! Interest ?
First off, Happy Wavecrest Saturnalia everyone ;) !

Secondly, I am an...apprentice writer? Intermediate writer? Not really a professional...but I'm not bad...Over the course of about 10 years I've had this story circulating in my mind. Ever heard of the game Feral Heart? Well, all you can do is type. So it's a role playing game ! Really inactive nowadays, but, that game started my affinity for wolves and the passion to create my own stories.

Anyways, long story short, I've finally maybe written up a finalized way to start this journey off. I've changed the plot so many times recently to avoid cliches and hopefully this world will intrigue you as much as it has to me over the course of it's creation.

If I get enough interest, I may post and update here regularly with new chapters and stuff :) now, I have two intros. This first one I'm going to show you is my kinda-sorta-prologue, but I don't know if it's got a good start. I may delete it and not add it to my story at all, considering that this prologue was brought up around the time of my initial plotline. I'm not 100% sure where I'm going from the prologue, BUT Chapter 1 is a concrete idea and won't be taken out.

So, I shall show you a preview to the WIP Prologue, and then Chapter One.

This story is a Fantasy / Action / Adventure / Everything in Between world focused on wolves

I will post the Prologue and Chapter one in separate posts below.

First off, Happy Wavecrest Saturnalia everyone ;) !

Secondly, I am an...apprentice writer? Intermediate writer? Not really a professional...but I'm not bad...Over the course of about 10 years I've had this story circulating in my mind. Ever heard of the game Feral Heart? Well, all you can do is type. So it's a role playing game ! Really inactive nowadays, but, that game started my affinity for wolves and the passion to create my own stories.

Anyways, long story short, I've finally maybe written up a finalized way to start this journey off. I've changed the plot so many times recently to avoid cliches and hopefully this world will intrigue you as much as it has to me over the course of it's creation.

If I get enough interest, I may post and update here regularly with new chapters and stuff :) now, I have two intros. This first one I'm going to show you is my kinda-sorta-prologue, but I don't know if it's got a good start. I may delete it and not add it to my story at all, considering that this prologue was brought up around the time of my initial plotline. I'm not 100% sure where I'm going from the prologue, BUT Chapter 1 is a concrete idea and won't be taken out.

So, I shall show you a preview to the WIP Prologue, and then Chapter One.

This story is a Fantasy / Action / Adventure / Everything in Between world focused on wolves

I will post the Prologue and Chapter one in separate posts below.

Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
~ Prologue ~

Worlds aren’t always created out of light, at times, it’s the darkness that brings about the rise of a new era. One such world holds a story that can only be told from the very beginning. Long ago, there once were a race of creatures so pure, that even the brightest light was dull in their presence. These beings took on wolf-like forms, usually adorned with wings and monotone fur, and sometimes even antlers or horns upon their heads. Known in ancient transcripts as Asvelgrs, these beings originated from normal wolven creatures that once inhabited a land destroyed by human touch. Their world was torn apart, but as an act of salvation, their kind was ascended into the heavens, where they became holy and angelic beings.

As time passed, they left their broken home in search of a new world to watch over, not knowing the possible dangers of the neighboring realms. They soon came across a twisted reality that was sewn together with astral magic, different regions and territories all held together by a large tree at the center of the world. This great tree’s roots ran to each and every corner of the land, separating and holding them together, and was magnificent in size and beauty. However, the Asvelgrs soon discovered that this realm wasn’t as uninhabited as it had seemed. The territories were home to many different climates and species, and were divided by the tree’s massive roots, as if it were forcing them to be apart.

The Asvelgrs settled above the world, nesting within the tree’s branches as they kept guard over their possible new home, unaware of the reigning darkness all around them. As night fell, large, dark creatures rose up from one of the eastern territories, bringing with them chaos and destruction. These winged beasts resembled dragons and were called Draeguls. They had no formal language that was understandable, and they struck with immediate hostility. A war broke out between the wolves and the dragons, which only ended in bloodshed and grief. The battle raged on for days, and as each Asvelgr was slain, their soul fell like a meteor down to the earth. Their rivals were eventually defeated, though barely, and were driven away to the deepest parts of the world and were locked away.

Only nine of the Asvelgr beings remained, and though they were almost put to extinction, they were able to seize an ancient artifact kept by the Draeguls called the blood orb. This weapon was extremely dangerous, and held all the dark power of their realm, even the ability to bend the very life force of a being. They sealed away the orb deep within the tree where they resided, and vowed to defend it from ever being harnessed.

With the fall of their brethren, the now broken Asvelgrs used the remnants of their waning power to reincarnate the fallen spirits into mortal wolves which would go on to inhabit the territories across the world. The great tree was then deemed the Tree of Souls, and the world itself was then called Feramore. The remaining nine Asvelgrs then became the guardians of their now peaceful land, watching over the world within the branches of the tree.

This is where the story begins, at the very birth of life amongst Feramore. However, with every ray of light, there is always a shadow that brings about the disruption of peace.

The sun slowly slid behind the mountains in the distance, bringing with it a stunning sunset, and a sky full of glimmering stars. The air was still choking with the smell of burning flesh and dying flames, dulling the effect of the wondrous atmosphere above. With the battle won months ago, and the Draeguls sealed away beyond the ridges of the world, all seemed quiet and peaceful. Ash still drifted in the breeze, and the pelts of the victors were stained with soot.

“I can barely see a thing with all this smoke!” Called out one of the winged wolves, its pelt a dark brown and black, with a few yellowish specks among his fur, and bright yellow eyes.

“Well maybe if you’d stop complaining, and focus more on where you’re putting your paws, maybe you wouldn’t have such a problem.” Barked back his sister, who was black and grey in color, with white spots and speckles throughout her fur and piercing blue eyes. “We’re almost to the border, Veroh, then we can head back to the tree.”

Veroh sighed in frustration, his sister, Kaineera, getting on his nerves more than the ash was sticking to his fur. He hated going on patrols with her, for she constantly orders him around. She was bigger than him, and maybe a little stronger, but he didn’t need a babysitter. Ever since the battle, she’s been extremely protective towards everyone, which usually came off as being bossy, but Veroh knew her intentions. She didn’t want to lose more of their family.

“Looks like the fire didn’t spread beyond the tree line, we can head back now and report to the others. It should be safe to fly now, let’s not waste any more time, Nathranake is expecting us before night fall.” Kaineera then took off into the sky, her white-speckled ebony wings scattering the ash and smoke. Veroh flew up after her, following close behind as they neared the barrier around the Tree of Souls.

After the Draeguls were defeated, a barrier was created to protect the tree and the surrounding gardens, which were deemed Edenwood. The Asvelgrs then took refuge within a sanctuary built among the tree’s branches, which no other creature could reach, that was right under the starry universe and above the entire world.

Veroh and Kaineera soon arrived within the sanctuary, stopping to shake off the ash and soot from their pelts before greeting their other brethren. Dipping their heads to passing comrades, they headed up the branch that lead to a floating palace of sorts, where their leader resided. In the following months of the battle, they managed to adapt rather quickly, despite the fact that hundreds of their kind were slain viciously. As the two scouts neared the palace doors, they slowly began to open all on their own, allowing them inside.

The structure was rather simple, and actually quite too small to be a palace. Its design was more like a floating wooden house, just fancier and with a slightly heavenly touch. The hallway inside led to a balcony that overlooked the tree, allowing the view of the world below, and of the outer space above. Two figures sat on this balcony, both of them engaged in hushed conversation.

Kaineera gently cleared her throat as she approached the two. “Nathranake, Nicodemus, me and Veroh have returned from our patrol.”

One of the figures, with horns like a bull, only pointing upward and out instead of forward, and eyes that were covered and wrapped up with a cloth, turned his head towards her. “Did you find anything of concern?”

“No, the fires are finally starting to dwindle, though.” Responded the she-wolf.

“That’s good then, it’s intriguing how long they’ve lasted, and I’m surprised they didn’t spread very far. Thank you for your report, Kaineera, you are dismissed.” With that, the two scouts dipped their heads one final time and turned towards the doors as they exited the palace.

Beside the wolf who had addressed the report was one without horns, which was an uncommon trait among their species. His fur was a reddish-brown color, almost crimson in the sun, with a dark grey underbelly, and black and grey wings, the only Asvelgr to ever have such coloration. Keeping his gaze out towards the land below, he spoke smoothly. “How amusing is it that those two can barely stand next to each other without biting their heads off.”

“I’m not sure if it is really amusing, but rather foolish, to fight amongst family.” The horned wolf muttered, his coat grey with golden flecks throughout his fur, with a tannish-yellow underbelly, and golden wings with grey and scarlet tips.

“Hmm, I suppose so, however, I still find it entertaining.” Delight glittered in his amber-colored eyes. “Dear Nathranake, always so noble and knowledgeable, no wonder you can get them all to bow to you.”

Nathranake frowned softly, discontent obvious in his posture. “Nicodemus, I do not force them to show such praise, yet they do on their own, I never fully accepted this title as a so-called leader. I merely wish to ensure our kind survives, as well as this world.”

Nicodemus forced himself not to laugh, and he instead looked downwards. “Whatever you say, oh great one.”

Ignoring his comment, Nathranake sighed softly and changed the subject. “We should continue with our discussion.”

“Oh, but of course, naming the regions we saw and conquered as our own. Let’s see, the dark and depressing one to the east can be called Misery and the one to the west of it can be called Misery’s Sister. Oh, and that one to the south can be…Beatrice.” Nicodemus couldn’t help but laugh at his playful sarcasm, while his brother was on the verge of complete irritation.

“We did not conquer these lands, we saved them from destruction. This place is a gift to us, we must protect it and watch over it. If you have such a problem with naming our home, and you do not wish to assist me, then please be on your way.” Nathranake snapped back, his tail thrashing softly behind him.

Nicodemus then rose to his paws, stretching his wings out briefly. “Very well, I guess I’ll just go greet the locals.”

“Don’t you dare, Nicodemus, I have clearly stated many times before to not present yourself to the inhabitants of this world. We do not know what is out there, and we are merely here to guide our creations, not to influence their lives in any way. We must stay unnoticed.”

Before Nathranake could get any more words out, Nicodemus took off to the sky, diving quickly towards the ground. His brother immediately took off after him, catching up within moments. Nicodemus then suddenly unfolded his wings, causing him to be propelled up and over his pursuer, giving him a chance to change direction. He then dived again, getting closer to the ground.

After landing gracefully, Nicodemus carefully folded his wings and looked around him, his brother nowhere to be seen. He smiled contently, pleased to have escaped his pursuant, at least he thought he had, for he was suddenly ambushed and knocked to the ground. Nicodemus caught his breath, his heart beating a bit fast, as he looked up to see Nathranake looming over him. He then growled and forced him off. “I don’t remember telling you to come with me.”

“And I do not remember allowing you to go in the first place! You never listen to anyone! You just follow your own wants and needs and make up your own rules. One of these days you are going to end up on your own, facing this unknown world without anyone at your side, for all you do is act arrogant and childish! You are not some pup, you have responsibilities and consequences to them.”

Nicodemus yawned and looked back at his preaching brother. “I’m sorry, were you saying something? All I heard was this annoying buzzing in the back of my head.”

Nathranake growled and sunk his claws into the ground to hold back his rage. “I swear to you, Nicodemus, one of these days you will bring about your own reckoning.”

“You’re only half right, brother. I will indeed bring reckoning, but it won’t be my own.” Nicodemus looked back him coldly, his gaze ominous.

With his heart stomach suddenly gripped with slight uneasiness, Nathranake took a step back. “Whatever do you mean?”

The crimson-brown wolf laughed softly. “Oh please, brother, don’t be so foolish. I’m merely joking with you.” He then began to walk alongside the path of dirt before them, worn by the weather. “Let’s go on a walk, shall we?”

Nathranake forced himself to dismiss his uneasiness, but he was still suspicious of his brother’s words. He has always been aloof, perhaps he really is being his sarcastic self, he thought reassuringly. Nonetheless, he had always been wary of his ways. He then reluctantly followed Nicodemus through the dense woods.

Surrounding the Tree of Souls was a very green area full of life and vegetation, abundant with many different prey animals. The only sort of real predators here were the wolves that were reincarnated from the fallen Asvelgrs, and their development would be watched by the remaining guardians over the centuries. It was uncertain what other creatures dwelled among the territories scattered across this world, and they had yet to map them all out. There could be extremely dangerous beings, much like the Draeguls, within the dark corners of Feramore. Hopefully the wolves they created can adapt to their strange environments.

“So, Edenwood, is it? Such a green place, it’s as if the trees here have their own souls and heartbeats.”

Nathranake looked up, being snapped out of his train of thought. “Yes, it would seem so, there are far more species of flora than there is fauna here. I do not hear a single sound other than the breeze through the trees.”

Nicodemus flicked his ears and looked towards the sky, which was now covered in stars. “Perhaps we’ll see some out here in the night, but I doubt there is anything too big out here, maybe a deer or so. It’d be interesting to see the effects of this world on the creatures here.”

“Yes, it would, we need to take notes on every species here for the archives, that way we will know about everything and anything that may present a threat. It would also benefit our creations, so they can be knowledgeable about the world around them.”

Shaking his head, Nicodemus laughed softly. “You refer to them like they’re your children.”

“Technically, they are our brethren as much as you and I are, you seem to forget that they are simply created from our fallen comrades.” Nathranake snorted quietly, trying to hide his irritation.

Nicodemus shrugged, not taking heed of a single word that left his brother’s mouth, as usual. Why should he listen to his speeches anyway? He may be seen as their leader, but Nicodemus took no pleasure in bowing to anyone but himself, let alone listen to their proclamations. He stopped for a moment, glancing around him. “Do you hear that? I think it’s some sort of bird.”

Nathranake flicked his ears and sniffed the air. He then heard a soft cawing in the distance. “It sounds like a crow or a raven; do you see anything?”

“Not really, but it sounds close.”

“Well if you happen to see it describe to me what it looks like so that I can – “

Nicodemus interrupted him before he could finish. “Yes, yes, so you can write it down it your little diary so the whole world can learn about their surroundings, I get it.” He sighed and then narrowed his eyes when he saw a small winged creature looking down at him from one of the nearby trees. Tilting his head, he took in the ebony-colored bird, noticing it didn’t look any different from an average raven, except for having strange little horn-like appendages atop its head. “Hmm, it would appear that the birds here, or this raven at least, have horns, very small ones.”

“Horns, you say? Interesting, perhaps it is some kind of protection from a predator? Or an adaptation to something they hunt?” Nathranake kept going on and on with possible explanations.

Nicodemus rolled his eyes, looking back to the creature. “You’re a very fine specimen, aren’t you? Blending in so well with the night, you must be an excellent flier.” He grinned to himself. His tail swished behind him in delight as he was deep in thought.

Nathranake finished inscribing notes into his journal, and he then carefully placed it back into the pouch hanging at his side. “You know, we should look for some nice stone blocks, ones I can carve my writings into, so they could be more preserved than mere paper.”

“It’s your journal, maybe you should go look for stone yourself, instead of dragging me around everywhere you go.” Nicodemus snapped back in slight irritation.

“Well, I would, if you did not get yourself into so much trouble all the time, wandering off on your own without a care of what anyone else says.”

“It’s not my problem you can’t mind your own business.”

Nathranake shook his head, deciding not to start another argument with his arrogant comrade. He looked towards Nicodemus, whose coat was now a dark brownish-red hue in the moonlight, almost like dried blood, giving him a much more sinister look than he usually had. The hornless Asvelgr was always ominous, even when he played completely innocent; everyone had learned to be wary of his presence. Nathranake looked towards the sky, feeling the moonlight shine against the bandages around his eyes. It was always so bright, and quite beautiful, even though his sight was damaged by the flames of an attacking Draegul.
~ Prologue ~

Worlds aren’t always created out of light, at times, it’s the darkness that brings about the rise of a new era. One such world holds a story that can only be told from the very beginning. Long ago, there once were a race of creatures so pure, that even the brightest light was dull in their presence. These beings took on wolf-like forms, usually adorned with wings and monotone fur, and sometimes even antlers or horns upon their heads. Known in ancient transcripts as Asvelgrs, these beings originated from normal wolven creatures that once inhabited a land destroyed by human touch. Their world was torn apart, but as an act of salvation, their kind was ascended into the heavens, where they became holy and angelic beings.

As time passed, they left their broken home in search of a new world to watch over, not knowing the possible dangers of the neighboring realms. They soon came across a twisted reality that was sewn together with astral magic, different regions and territories all held together by a large tree at the center of the world. This great tree’s roots ran to each and every corner of the land, separating and holding them together, and was magnificent in size and beauty. However, the Asvelgrs soon discovered that this realm wasn’t as uninhabited as it had seemed. The territories were home to many different climates and species, and were divided by the tree’s massive roots, as if it were forcing them to be apart.

The Asvelgrs settled above the world, nesting within the tree’s branches as they kept guard over their possible new home, unaware of the reigning darkness all around them. As night fell, large, dark creatures rose up from one of the eastern territories, bringing with them chaos and destruction. These winged beasts resembled dragons and were called Draeguls. They had no formal language that was understandable, and they struck with immediate hostility. A war broke out between the wolves and the dragons, which only ended in bloodshed and grief. The battle raged on for days, and as each Asvelgr was slain, their soul fell like a meteor down to the earth. Their rivals were eventually defeated, though barely, and were driven away to the deepest parts of the world and were locked away.

Only nine of the Asvelgr beings remained, and though they were almost put to extinction, they were able to seize an ancient artifact kept by the Draeguls called the blood orb. This weapon was extremely dangerous, and held all the dark power of their realm, even the ability to bend the very life force of a being. They sealed away the orb deep within the tree where they resided, and vowed to defend it from ever being harnessed.

With the fall of their brethren, the now broken Asvelgrs used the remnants of their waning power to reincarnate the fallen spirits into mortal wolves which would go on to inhabit the territories across the world. The great tree was then deemed the Tree of Souls, and the world itself was then called Feramore. The remaining nine Asvelgrs then became the guardians of their now peaceful land, watching over the world within the branches of the tree.

This is where the story begins, at the very birth of life amongst Feramore. However, with every ray of light, there is always a shadow that brings about the disruption of peace.

The sun slowly slid behind the mountains in the distance, bringing with it a stunning sunset, and a sky full of glimmering stars. The air was still choking with the smell of burning flesh and dying flames, dulling the effect of the wondrous atmosphere above. With the battle won months ago, and the Draeguls sealed away beyond the ridges of the world, all seemed quiet and peaceful. Ash still drifted in the breeze, and the pelts of the victors were stained with soot.

“I can barely see a thing with all this smoke!” Called out one of the winged wolves, its pelt a dark brown and black, with a few yellowish specks among his fur, and bright yellow eyes.

“Well maybe if you’d stop complaining, and focus more on where you’re putting your paws, maybe you wouldn’t have such a problem.” Barked back his sister, who was black and grey in color, with white spots and speckles throughout her fur and piercing blue eyes. “We’re almost to the border, Veroh, then we can head back to the tree.”

Veroh sighed in frustration, his sister, Kaineera, getting on his nerves more than the ash was sticking to his fur. He hated going on patrols with her, for she constantly orders him around. She was bigger than him, and maybe a little stronger, but he didn’t need a babysitter. Ever since the battle, she’s been extremely protective towards everyone, which usually came off as being bossy, but Veroh knew her intentions. She didn’t want to lose more of their family.

“Looks like the fire didn’t spread beyond the tree line, we can head back now and report to the others. It should be safe to fly now, let’s not waste any more time, Nathranake is expecting us before night fall.” Kaineera then took off into the sky, her white-speckled ebony wings scattering the ash and smoke. Veroh flew up after her, following close behind as they neared the barrier around the Tree of Souls.

After the Draeguls were defeated, a barrier was created to protect the tree and the surrounding gardens, which were deemed Edenwood. The Asvelgrs then took refuge within a sanctuary built among the tree’s branches, which no other creature could reach, that was right under the starry universe and above the entire world.

Veroh and Kaineera soon arrived within the sanctuary, stopping to shake off the ash and soot from their pelts before greeting their other brethren. Dipping their heads to passing comrades, they headed up the branch that lead to a floating palace of sorts, where their leader resided. In the following months of the battle, they managed to adapt rather quickly, despite the fact that hundreds of their kind were slain viciously. As the two scouts neared the palace doors, they slowly began to open all on their own, allowing them inside.

The structure was rather simple, and actually quite too small to be a palace. Its design was more like a floating wooden house, just fancier and with a slightly heavenly touch. The hallway inside led to a balcony that overlooked the tree, allowing the view of the world below, and of the outer space above. Two figures sat on this balcony, both of them engaged in hushed conversation.

Kaineera gently cleared her throat as she approached the two. “Nathranake, Nicodemus, me and Veroh have returned from our patrol.”

One of the figures, with horns like a bull, only pointing upward and out instead of forward, and eyes that were covered and wrapped up with a cloth, turned his head towards her. “Did you find anything of concern?”

“No, the fires are finally starting to dwindle, though.” Responded the she-wolf.

“That’s good then, it’s intriguing how long they’ve lasted, and I’m surprised they didn’t spread very far. Thank you for your report, Kaineera, you are dismissed.” With that, the two scouts dipped their heads one final time and turned towards the doors as they exited the palace.

Beside the wolf who had addressed the report was one without horns, which was an uncommon trait among their species. His fur was a reddish-brown color, almost crimson in the sun, with a dark grey underbelly, and black and grey wings, the only Asvelgr to ever have such coloration. Keeping his gaze out towards the land below, he spoke smoothly. “How amusing is it that those two can barely stand next to each other without biting their heads off.”

“I’m not sure if it is really amusing, but rather foolish, to fight amongst family.” The horned wolf muttered, his coat grey with golden flecks throughout his fur, with a tannish-yellow underbelly, and golden wings with grey and scarlet tips.

“Hmm, I suppose so, however, I still find it entertaining.” Delight glittered in his amber-colored eyes. “Dear Nathranake, always so noble and knowledgeable, no wonder you can get them all to bow to you.”

Nathranake frowned softly, discontent obvious in his posture. “Nicodemus, I do not force them to show such praise, yet they do on their own, I never fully accepted this title as a so-called leader. I merely wish to ensure our kind survives, as well as this world.”

Nicodemus forced himself not to laugh, and he instead looked downwards. “Whatever you say, oh great one.”

Ignoring his comment, Nathranake sighed softly and changed the subject. “We should continue with our discussion.”

“Oh, but of course, naming the regions we saw and conquered as our own. Let’s see, the dark and depressing one to the east can be called Misery and the one to the west of it can be called Misery’s Sister. Oh, and that one to the south can be…Beatrice.” Nicodemus couldn’t help but laugh at his playful sarcasm, while his brother was on the verge of complete irritation.

“We did not conquer these lands, we saved them from destruction. This place is a gift to us, we must protect it and watch over it. If you have such a problem with naming our home, and you do not wish to assist me, then please be on your way.” Nathranake snapped back, his tail thrashing softly behind him.

Nicodemus then rose to his paws, stretching his wings out briefly. “Very well, I guess I’ll just go greet the locals.”

“Don’t you dare, Nicodemus, I have clearly stated many times before to not present yourself to the inhabitants of this world. We do not know what is out there, and we are merely here to guide our creations, not to influence their lives in any way. We must stay unnoticed.”

Before Nathranake could get any more words out, Nicodemus took off to the sky, diving quickly towards the ground. His brother immediately took off after him, catching up within moments. Nicodemus then suddenly unfolded his wings, causing him to be propelled up and over his pursuer, giving him a chance to change direction. He then dived again, getting closer to the ground.

After landing gracefully, Nicodemus carefully folded his wings and looked around him, his brother nowhere to be seen. He smiled contently, pleased to have escaped his pursuant, at least he thought he had, for he was suddenly ambushed and knocked to the ground. Nicodemus caught his breath, his heart beating a bit fast, as he looked up to see Nathranake looming over him. He then growled and forced him off. “I don’t remember telling you to come with me.”

“And I do not remember allowing you to go in the first place! You never listen to anyone! You just follow your own wants and needs and make up your own rules. One of these days you are going to end up on your own, facing this unknown world without anyone at your side, for all you do is act arrogant and childish! You are not some pup, you have responsibilities and consequences to them.”

Nicodemus yawned and looked back at his preaching brother. “I’m sorry, were you saying something? All I heard was this annoying buzzing in the back of my head.”

Nathranake growled and sunk his claws into the ground to hold back his rage. “I swear to you, Nicodemus, one of these days you will bring about your own reckoning.”

“You’re only half right, brother. I will indeed bring reckoning, but it won’t be my own.” Nicodemus looked back him coldly, his gaze ominous.

With his heart stomach suddenly gripped with slight uneasiness, Nathranake took a step back. “Whatever do you mean?”

The crimson-brown wolf laughed softly. “Oh please, brother, don’t be so foolish. I’m merely joking with you.” He then began to walk alongside the path of dirt before them, worn by the weather. “Let’s go on a walk, shall we?”

Nathranake forced himself to dismiss his uneasiness, but he was still suspicious of his brother’s words. He has always been aloof, perhaps he really is being his sarcastic self, he thought reassuringly. Nonetheless, he had always been wary of his ways. He then reluctantly followed Nicodemus through the dense woods.

Surrounding the Tree of Souls was a very green area full of life and vegetation, abundant with many different prey animals. The only sort of real predators here were the wolves that were reincarnated from the fallen Asvelgrs, and their development would be watched by the remaining guardians over the centuries. It was uncertain what other creatures dwelled among the territories scattered across this world, and they had yet to map them all out. There could be extremely dangerous beings, much like the Draeguls, within the dark corners of Feramore. Hopefully the wolves they created can adapt to their strange environments.

“So, Edenwood, is it? Such a green place, it’s as if the trees here have their own souls and heartbeats.”

Nathranake looked up, being snapped out of his train of thought. “Yes, it would seem so, there are far more species of flora than there is fauna here. I do not hear a single sound other than the breeze through the trees.”

Nicodemus flicked his ears and looked towards the sky, which was now covered in stars. “Perhaps we’ll see some out here in the night, but I doubt there is anything too big out here, maybe a deer or so. It’d be interesting to see the effects of this world on the creatures here.”

“Yes, it would, we need to take notes on every species here for the archives, that way we will know about everything and anything that may present a threat. It would also benefit our creations, so they can be knowledgeable about the world around them.”

Shaking his head, Nicodemus laughed softly. “You refer to them like they’re your children.”

“Technically, they are our brethren as much as you and I are, you seem to forget that they are simply created from our fallen comrades.” Nathranake snorted quietly, trying to hide his irritation.

Nicodemus shrugged, not taking heed of a single word that left his brother’s mouth, as usual. Why should he listen to his speeches anyway? He may be seen as their leader, but Nicodemus took no pleasure in bowing to anyone but himself, let alone listen to their proclamations. He stopped for a moment, glancing around him. “Do you hear that? I think it’s some sort of bird.”

Nathranake flicked his ears and sniffed the air. He then heard a soft cawing in the distance. “It sounds like a crow or a raven; do you see anything?”

“Not really, but it sounds close.”

“Well if you happen to see it describe to me what it looks like so that I can – “

Nicodemus interrupted him before he could finish. “Yes, yes, so you can write it down it your little diary so the whole world can learn about their surroundings, I get it.” He sighed and then narrowed his eyes when he saw a small winged creature looking down at him from one of the nearby trees. Tilting his head, he took in the ebony-colored bird, noticing it didn’t look any different from an average raven, except for having strange little horn-like appendages atop its head. “Hmm, it would appear that the birds here, or this raven at least, have horns, very small ones.”

“Horns, you say? Interesting, perhaps it is some kind of protection from a predator? Or an adaptation to something they hunt?” Nathranake kept going on and on with possible explanations.

Nicodemus rolled his eyes, looking back to the creature. “You’re a very fine specimen, aren’t you? Blending in so well with the night, you must be an excellent flier.” He grinned to himself. His tail swished behind him in delight as he was deep in thought.

Nathranake finished inscribing notes into his journal, and he then carefully placed it back into the pouch hanging at his side. “You know, we should look for some nice stone blocks, ones I can carve my writings into, so they could be more preserved than mere paper.”

“It’s your journal, maybe you should go look for stone yourself, instead of dragging me around everywhere you go.” Nicodemus snapped back in slight irritation.

“Well, I would, if you did not get yourself into so much trouble all the time, wandering off on your own without a care of what anyone else says.”

“It’s not my problem you can’t mind your own business.”

Nathranake shook his head, deciding not to start another argument with his arrogant comrade. He looked towards Nicodemus, whose coat was now a dark brownish-red hue in the moonlight, almost like dried blood, giving him a much more sinister look than he usually had. The hornless Asvelgr was always ominous, even when he played completely innocent; everyone had learned to be wary of his presence. Nathranake looked towards the sky, feeling the moonlight shine against the bandages around his eyes. It was always so bright, and quite beautiful, even though his sight was damaged by the flames of an attacking Draegul.
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
~. Chapter 1.~

It was autumn, the time of the year where the cherry blossom trees would fluctuate to a vibrant orange-yellow hue. It was true that most trees would undergo this change, following with their leaves cascading to the ground, but as the cherry blossoms were carried away by the cool autumn breeze, it gave a sense of warm tranquility contrasting with the bitter cold of the coming winter. In only about a month, the scenery would become blanketed in layers of fresh white snow, and many creatures of the area had begun to prepare for the long winter ahead of them.

A rushing waterfall spouted out from a jagged outcropping in the hillside, it’s crystal-clear waves collapsing into a series of rapids that then split out to calm and almost stagnant rivers. Members of a nearby wolf pack had begun to make their way to these waters, dipping their furred snouts into the surface as they lapped at it in almost unison. There were four of them, three adults and only one pup who had stayed right beneath its mother’s paws for most of their journey. His fur was a lovely crimson color, with a small patch of white across his shoulders, and an unusually white nose, as well as his eyes. He had been born extremely late in the year, traditionally, pups being born and raised throughout the spring rather than in autumn.

The small male was thus considered an outcast among-st the pack due to his late birthing, not to mention for his unusual coloration compared to the other wolves. However, his mother loved and cared for him more than any other she-wolf had done with her pups, and was set on raising him to his full size and potential. He was only about eight weeks old, just barely off his mother’s milk on onto real prey, but he was getting used to the massive world around him quite easily.

The she-wolf lifted her gaze up to the two males who had come to the river with her and her pup, her amber eyes glancing towards the sun that had just barely begun to rise over the distant mountains. “Thank you again for accompanying me here, I wasn’t sure if the bears of the area would be up and about at this light.”

“It really is no issue, Shiva; escorting you away from the pack was a much-needed task. Your safety has always been our top priority since you came into our lives, we couldn’t just stand back and allow them to take your son, our brother.” The larger of the two males, his fur black mixed with grey streaks, had spoken to her with a crestfallen tone, and his gaze trailed down to his paws as he finished.

Shiva’s gaze softened, almost mimicking his sense of sorrow. “Riven, you shouldn’t be so down about it, after all, he is my responsibility. I’ll take whatever punishment this life can offer me if it means getting Akume to safety.”

She looked back down at her pup, his playful eyes dancing across the scene around him, having no thought whatsoever that anything was going wrong. They had left their pack in a hasty but silent manner, before any of the other members could take notice of their departure. Just the day before, the alpha had declared to have Shiva’s son chased out of the territory and left for dead by the time winter had arrived. This was because the pack had begun to befall to a terrible illness, one that rendered their digestion useless and caused many wolves to die of starvation merely because they couldn’t stomach any amount of nourishment, and this was all blamed on a single pup because of his unique diversity. The alpha had seemed to convince almost every pack member that the pup was a horrible omen sent by some sort of demonic presence to kill them all off.

Riven growled, forcing his eyes shut as the ends of his fur quivered in silent rage. “It isn’t fair! One individual declaring such a ridiculous statement about one of their own pack members, a pup, even! How can so many of them be foolish enough believe such a thing?”

The other male, his fur a dark grey color and his paws blackened and his tail like that of a raccoon, his features resembling Riven almost identically, spoke up in a hushed tone. “You’re the one who will be foolish if you keep shouting! Do you want them to discover us so quickly? She will never be able to gain any distance with a whole patrol at her tail.”

Riven sighed, almost in frustration. “You’re right, Daireck, I just don’t understand why they can allow this to be right, to be acceptable just because they’re frightened and weak.”

These two, brothers from a previous litter about three years ago, had devoted their lives to protecting their younger half-brother, who had shared the same father. Shiva, however, wasn’t their mother at all, but when their father had died from a hunting accident, they swore to protect them both as best they could.

Riven emitted another low growl before snapping himself out of it and looking back to Shiva. “We should head back before they become too suspicious, are you sure you will be safe on your own from here?”

Shiva dipped her head, her tail swaying in content behind her as she gave them a reassuring smile. “You have helped me more than you needed to, I can fair just well on my own from here. The pass between the mountains aren’t too difficult to find, nor is the journey remotely dangerous. We should make it to the other side of the ridge in a week or so, I will try to send word when we arrive that we did so safely.” She then nuzzled them both on their shoulders, giving them a motherly lick across their cheeks. “Please do take care, try to ensure the packs safety as well, with winter coming, most of them won’t make it.” They both dipped their heads in agreement before turning back the way in which they came, both stopping to look down hopefully at the young Akume that had bounced and jumped playfully among the fallen leaves the entire conversation.

They soon had disappeared in the dense forest only moments later, not making a sound as they moved through the trees. Shiva looked down to her pup and smiled to herself before closing her jaws gently around his scruff as she lifted him. He obediently froze and went limp, his eyes still busily taking in everything in the area, just now noticing they were alone.

“Mommy, where did Riven and Daireck go?”

“They went back home.” She said simply, her words rough to understand as she spoke through his fur. His mother lifted him over the water’s surface as she stepped neatly and carefully across the shallow river, setting him down on the other side.

“Well, where are we going, then?” he said curiously.

“On an adventure, just you and me.”

“Wow! Really?” Akume jumped up excitedly, spinning in small circles. “Where to? What are we going to see?!”

“We’re going very far away from here, but you must be quiet, it’s a secret that no one from the pack can find out about.” Shiva smiled at him and started to head into the forest that had continued for miles before them.

“Ooh a secret adventure? It sounds like so much fun!” He tried to force himself to be quiet, but his excitement was beyond noticeable. His little paws carried him swiftly behind his mother so that he could keep up with her long strides.

“Keep up now, we must hurry so no one sees us leave, or then they’ll want to ruin our adventure and we must go back home.” Shiva did her best to hide her worry, she had to sound like this was all just a game to keep him from becoming frightened.

“I’m trying, mommy, but you’re so much bigger than I am, I’m not as fast as you are.” The little pup was glancing back and forth from his paws to his mothers, as if trying to figure out why he couldn’t match her pace.

“Alright, alright, how about I carry you a bit of the way? Once we get out of the forest it’ll be easier for you to keep up.”

“We’re leaving the forest? I’ve never been out of the forest before,” He looked up at her worriedly. “are there monsters out there?”

“Of course there aren’t any monsters, Akume, don’t be so afraid.” Shiva gently lifted Akume onto her back, right above her shoulder blades, as she picked up her pace ever so slightly. “It is just like the forest, but it will be safer for us out there.”

“I thought the pack was the safest place for everyone, how come it is more safe out of the forest?”

“Oh Akume, don’t ask so many questions. After all, this is our secret adventure, remember? We must remain silent until we are very far from here.”

“Okay, mommy, I’ll be quiet.” Akume buried his snout into his mother’s shoulder sadly as he hung onto her back. He hated surprises, he wanted to know where they were going and why they were alone so far from their den. He even started to miss his half-brothers, and the whole pack itself.

About an hour had passed before they were finally away from the towering and crowding trees of the forest. Akume’s mother moved like a snake through the rocky outcroppings that they had now been surrounded by, winding through the jagged stones with ease. Akume still held on tightly to his mother’s cream colored fur, his pale eyes gazing about the new area they had entered. There weren’t any trees, and only a few patches of vegetation could be seen among the stony ground. As he looked up, he could see large mountains stretching far beyond the distance his eyes could take in; he assumed they must be thousands of miles long, and their peaks were capped with pure white snow. “Are we going up those mountains, mommy?”

Shiva let out a soft laugh. “Oh, no, that would be too dangerous for such a little pup as yourself.” She slowed her step and panted softly as she sat down, allowing Akume to slide off her back. “Do you see that small crack between the two mountains?” Shiva motioned with her head to the mountain range.

Akume tilted his head and narrowed his eyes as he followed his mother’s gaze. He made out a division between the towering summits, a narrow and neatly-cut space that had separated them. His eyes widened and his tail wagged happily. “Yes, I do see it! Uh, what is it, though?” Akume looked back up to Shiva inquisitively once more.

“It is called a mountain pass, and it is named Ginnun Pass. It may seem very small from here, but it is quite a large area. That’s where we are headed, right between the mountains.”

“Is it safe to go there? Won’t the mountains…crush us, or something?”

Shiva smiled at Akume in amusement before rising back to her paws. “Oh Akume, you have so much to learn, you have no reason to fear this world. Being afraid won’t solve any of your problems.” Her smile faded and she looked down for a moment, her eyes transfixed on some invisible space. “That is why you must be brave, and very strong,” She looked back at her pup and softened her gaze once more, her sweet smile returning. “can you do that, Akume? Will you be strong and brave for the both of us?”

The crimson-furred pup bristled with pride and he smiled brightly. “Don’t worry, mommy, I’ll be the bravest and strongest wolf out of the whole pack!” Akume let out a playful grr as he swiped his little paws at imaginary enemies.

Shiva suppressed another amused laugh, careful not to discourage his enthusiasm. “I have no doubt that you will.” She licked the top of his head affectionately before turning and continuing her pace towards the pass. “Come now, we should get to the mountains before nightfall, before it gets cold.”

Akume jumped and swiped upwards at a falling leaf before he hurriedly ran to his mother’s side. He was now determined to prove to her how strong and brave he could be. I’ll be even stronger than Riven and Daireck! He thought happily, keeping up with Shiva’s pace much easier than earlier, except for the occasional tripping over stones. A whole new world awaited them, and he was more than excited to see it.
~. Chapter 1.~

It was autumn, the time of the year where the cherry blossom trees would fluctuate to a vibrant orange-yellow hue. It was true that most trees would undergo this change, following with their leaves cascading to the ground, but as the cherry blossoms were carried away by the cool autumn breeze, it gave a sense of warm tranquility contrasting with the bitter cold of the coming winter. In only about a month, the scenery would become blanketed in layers of fresh white snow, and many creatures of the area had begun to prepare for the long winter ahead of them.

A rushing waterfall spouted out from a jagged outcropping in the hillside, it’s crystal-clear waves collapsing into a series of rapids that then split out to calm and almost stagnant rivers. Members of a nearby wolf pack had begun to make their way to these waters, dipping their furred snouts into the surface as they lapped at it in almost unison. There were four of them, three adults and only one pup who had stayed right beneath its mother’s paws for most of their journey. His fur was a lovely crimson color, with a small patch of white across his shoulders, and an unusually white nose, as well as his eyes. He had been born extremely late in the year, traditionally, pups being born and raised throughout the spring rather than in autumn.

The small male was thus considered an outcast among-st the pack due to his late birthing, not to mention for his unusual coloration compared to the other wolves. However, his mother loved and cared for him more than any other she-wolf had done with her pups, and was set on raising him to his full size and potential. He was only about eight weeks old, just barely off his mother’s milk on onto real prey, but he was getting used to the massive world around him quite easily.

The she-wolf lifted her gaze up to the two males who had come to the river with her and her pup, her amber eyes glancing towards the sun that had just barely begun to rise over the distant mountains. “Thank you again for accompanying me here, I wasn’t sure if the bears of the area would be up and about at this light.”

“It really is no issue, Shiva; escorting you away from the pack was a much-needed task. Your safety has always been our top priority since you came into our lives, we couldn’t just stand back and allow them to take your son, our brother.” The larger of the two males, his fur black mixed with grey streaks, had spoken to her with a crestfallen tone, and his gaze trailed down to his paws as he finished.

Shiva’s gaze softened, almost mimicking his sense of sorrow. “Riven, you shouldn’t be so down about it, after all, he is my responsibility. I’ll take whatever punishment this life can offer me if it means getting Akume to safety.”

She looked back down at her pup, his playful eyes dancing across the scene around him, having no thought whatsoever that anything was going wrong. They had left their pack in a hasty but silent manner, before any of the other members could take notice of their departure. Just the day before, the alpha had declared to have Shiva’s son chased out of the territory and left for dead by the time winter had arrived. This was because the pack had begun to befall to a terrible illness, one that rendered their digestion useless and caused many wolves to die of starvation merely because they couldn’t stomach any amount of nourishment, and this was all blamed on a single pup because of his unique diversity. The alpha had seemed to convince almost every pack member that the pup was a horrible omen sent by some sort of demonic presence to kill them all off.

Riven growled, forcing his eyes shut as the ends of his fur quivered in silent rage. “It isn’t fair! One individual declaring such a ridiculous statement about one of their own pack members, a pup, even! How can so many of them be foolish enough believe such a thing?”

The other male, his fur a dark grey color and his paws blackened and his tail like that of a raccoon, his features resembling Riven almost identically, spoke up in a hushed tone. “You’re the one who will be foolish if you keep shouting! Do you want them to discover us so quickly? She will never be able to gain any distance with a whole patrol at her tail.”

Riven sighed, almost in frustration. “You’re right, Daireck, I just don’t understand why they can allow this to be right, to be acceptable just because they’re frightened and weak.”

These two, brothers from a previous litter about three years ago, had devoted their lives to protecting their younger half-brother, who had shared the same father. Shiva, however, wasn’t their mother at all, but when their father had died from a hunting accident, they swore to protect them both as best they could.

Riven emitted another low growl before snapping himself out of it and looking back to Shiva. “We should head back before they become too suspicious, are you sure you will be safe on your own from here?”

Shiva dipped her head, her tail swaying in content behind her as she gave them a reassuring smile. “You have helped me more than you needed to, I can fair just well on my own from here. The pass between the mountains aren’t too difficult to find, nor is the journey remotely dangerous. We should make it to the other side of the ridge in a week or so, I will try to send word when we arrive that we did so safely.” She then nuzzled them both on their shoulders, giving them a motherly lick across their cheeks. “Please do take care, try to ensure the packs safety as well, with winter coming, most of them won’t make it.” They both dipped their heads in agreement before turning back the way in which they came, both stopping to look down hopefully at the young Akume that had bounced and jumped playfully among the fallen leaves the entire conversation.

They soon had disappeared in the dense forest only moments later, not making a sound as they moved through the trees. Shiva looked down to her pup and smiled to herself before closing her jaws gently around his scruff as she lifted him. He obediently froze and went limp, his eyes still busily taking in everything in the area, just now noticing they were alone.

“Mommy, where did Riven and Daireck go?”

“They went back home.” She said simply, her words rough to understand as she spoke through his fur. His mother lifted him over the water’s surface as she stepped neatly and carefully across the shallow river, setting him down on the other side.

“Well, where are we going, then?” he said curiously.

“On an adventure, just you and me.”

“Wow! Really?” Akume jumped up excitedly, spinning in small circles. “Where to? What are we going to see?!”

“We’re going very far away from here, but you must be quiet, it’s a secret that no one from the pack can find out about.” Shiva smiled at him and started to head into the forest that had continued for miles before them.

“Ooh a secret adventure? It sounds like so much fun!” He tried to force himself to be quiet, but his excitement was beyond noticeable. His little paws carried him swiftly behind his mother so that he could keep up with her long strides.

“Keep up now, we must hurry so no one sees us leave, or then they’ll want to ruin our adventure and we must go back home.” Shiva did her best to hide her worry, she had to sound like this was all just a game to keep him from becoming frightened.

“I’m trying, mommy, but you’re so much bigger than I am, I’m not as fast as you are.” The little pup was glancing back and forth from his paws to his mothers, as if trying to figure out why he couldn’t match her pace.

“Alright, alright, how about I carry you a bit of the way? Once we get out of the forest it’ll be easier for you to keep up.”

“We’re leaving the forest? I’ve never been out of the forest before,” He looked up at her worriedly. “are there monsters out there?”

“Of course there aren’t any monsters, Akume, don’t be so afraid.” Shiva gently lifted Akume onto her back, right above her shoulder blades, as she picked up her pace ever so slightly. “It is just like the forest, but it will be safer for us out there.”

“I thought the pack was the safest place for everyone, how come it is more safe out of the forest?”

“Oh Akume, don’t ask so many questions. After all, this is our secret adventure, remember? We must remain silent until we are very far from here.”

“Okay, mommy, I’ll be quiet.” Akume buried his snout into his mother’s shoulder sadly as he hung onto her back. He hated surprises, he wanted to know where they were going and why they were alone so far from their den. He even started to miss his half-brothers, and the whole pack itself.

About an hour had passed before they were finally away from the towering and crowding trees of the forest. Akume’s mother moved like a snake through the rocky outcroppings that they had now been surrounded by, winding through the jagged stones with ease. Akume still held on tightly to his mother’s cream colored fur, his pale eyes gazing about the new area they had entered. There weren’t any trees, and only a few patches of vegetation could be seen among the stony ground. As he looked up, he could see large mountains stretching far beyond the distance his eyes could take in; he assumed they must be thousands of miles long, and their peaks were capped with pure white snow. “Are we going up those mountains, mommy?”

Shiva let out a soft laugh. “Oh, no, that would be too dangerous for such a little pup as yourself.” She slowed her step and panted softly as she sat down, allowing Akume to slide off her back. “Do you see that small crack between the two mountains?” Shiva motioned with her head to the mountain range.

Akume tilted his head and narrowed his eyes as he followed his mother’s gaze. He made out a division between the towering summits, a narrow and neatly-cut space that had separated them. His eyes widened and his tail wagged happily. “Yes, I do see it! Uh, what is it, though?” Akume looked back up to Shiva inquisitively once more.

“It is called a mountain pass, and it is named Ginnun Pass. It may seem very small from here, but it is quite a large area. That’s where we are headed, right between the mountains.”

“Is it safe to go there? Won’t the mountains…crush us, or something?”

Shiva smiled at Akume in amusement before rising back to her paws. “Oh Akume, you have so much to learn, you have no reason to fear this world. Being afraid won’t solve any of your problems.” Her smile faded and she looked down for a moment, her eyes transfixed on some invisible space. “That is why you must be brave, and very strong,” She looked back at her pup and softened her gaze once more, her sweet smile returning. “can you do that, Akume? Will you be strong and brave for the both of us?”

The crimson-furred pup bristled with pride and he smiled brightly. “Don’t worry, mommy, I’ll be the bravest and strongest wolf out of the whole pack!” Akume let out a playful grr as he swiped his little paws at imaginary enemies.

Shiva suppressed another amused laugh, careful not to discourage his enthusiasm. “I have no doubt that you will.” She licked the top of his head affectionately before turning and continuing her pace towards the pass. “Come now, we should get to the mountains before nightfall, before it gets cold.”

Akume jumped and swiped upwards at a falling leaf before he hurriedly ran to his mother’s side. He was now determined to prove to her how strong and brave he could be. I’ll be even stronger than Riven and Daireck! He thought happily, keeping up with Shiva’s pace much easier than earlier, except for the occasional tripping over stones. A whole new world awaited them, and he was more than excited to see it.
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
Alrighty ! That's all I have for now ~

Please. Do not critique me on where Itallics should be, copying over from my Word Docs didn't preserve my formatting and this is too long to go through and re-itallic where needed :')

I'm gonna have a small voting pool thingy to see who likes and who doesn't like the introductory prologue.

If more say no than yes, I probably will discard it and add-on the origins of this world later on in the story.

If more say yes than no, I will continue with the prologue and finish it out.


" Finish the prologue ! It's good ! "

" Don't finish this, add the origins on later !"

" I don't like it at all, it needs to be altered ! "

Interest Pinglist

Please post below if you have any interest in reading more of my story, and please give me your voting input :) <3 No need to Ping me !
Alrighty ! That's all I have for now ~

Please. Do not critique me on where Itallics should be, copying over from my Word Docs didn't preserve my formatting and this is too long to go through and re-itallic where needed :')

I'm gonna have a small voting pool thingy to see who likes and who doesn't like the introductory prologue.

If more say no than yes, I probably will discard it and add-on the origins of this world later on in the story.

If more say yes than no, I will continue with the prologue and finish it out.


" Finish the prologue ! It's good ! "

" Don't finish this, add the origins on later !"

" I don't like it at all, it needs to be altered ! "

Interest Pinglist

Please post below if you have any interest in reading more of my story, and please give me your voting input :) <3 No need to Ping me !
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken